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Everything posted by Cryptic

  1. @beast_ Thank you! I am on holiday so sorry for the late reply!
  2. @friction sorry for the late reply I am on holiday, but thank you!
  3. @beast_ thank you very much beast!
  4. @vennelle Thank you very much!
  5. @youssef-1 Thanks, appreciated!
  6. @nishki Thank you very much!
  7. @spetnazz All we lack is you! ;) Hahaha thanks man!
  8. @durby We will work hard to prove that we are worth it!
  9. @sou Thank you very much, appreciated Sou!
  10. @hessan210 Yeah we are going to work hard to get to the top! :D
  11. @kikas Thank you very much!
  12. Address: Appartment Block 143 Account name: DRAHMEED Last seen: 15th July 2021 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/1ri79py
  13. Verification: The ownership of the old forum account got verified by SAES>Honer which can be found here: I still have access to the old forum account so I could verify again. ::: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28537/cryptic-s-reward-change-add?_=1631036441977 :::
  14. Display Name: Cryptic Username: itzswen Link to ALL Donation Topics: 1. Amount: 20GBP // 20 Donation points. ::: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/88329-donationcryptic-amount-2000-gbp/ ::: 2. Amount: 10GBP // 10 Donation points. ::: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/58682-donation-itzswen-amount-1000/ ::: 3. Amount: 20GBP // 20 Donation points. ::: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/57581-donation-itzswen-amount-2000/?tab=comments#comment-1062878 ::: 4. Amount: 10GBP // 10 Donation points. ::: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/88381-donationcryptic-amount-1000-gbp/?tab=comments#comment-1651433 ::: Total number of Donation Points: 60GBP // 60 Donation points.
  15. Address: Choco Lime House Account name: rezende34a Last seen: 5Th August Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/1rfhini
  16. Address: Golf Avenue 7 Account name: vagany Last seen: 16th May 2021 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/1r9ayy6
  17. Address: Bender Block Business Account name: xtmx Last seen: 5th of August Screenshots:
  18. TXN ID: <TXN ID HERE> eg. 834J323R2OPI23JR Donation Amount: <60.00 GBP> Around 2014-2017 I used to play SAES and made some donations with the total amount of 60.00 GBP. Yesterday I decided to come back to SAES and I wanted to use my donation vehicles again! Proof: The link to my old archived last donation change with proof of all the donation posts can be found on the archived SAES site: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/89185-donation-changenew-base/?tab=comments#comment-1667332 Donation Group Also I read about the donation group which I could be added in if I atleast spended 30 GBP. So I would like to be added to that aswell. Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below 1. (10GBP of cost) Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: #456473 Specify any upgrades: None Username to lock: itzswen Where you want it placed: Las Venturas, Airport ::: (https://prnt.sc/1qydspo) ::: 2. (10GBP of cost) Vehicle Type: Dodo Vehicle Colour: #456473 Specify any upgrades: None Username to lock: itzswen Where you want it placed: Las Venturas, Airport ::: (https://prnt.sc/1qyea0q) ::: 3. (15GBP of cost) Vehicle Type: Police car LV type Vehicle Colour: FBI Wrap( Preset wrap: st3v3n517) Specify any upgrades: FBI Wrap( Preset wrap: st3v3n517) Username to lock: itzswen Where you want it placed: Las Venturas X, in the Hangar ( If possible placed like on the picture, otherwise on any parking spot around the hangar) ::: (https://prnt.sc/1qyev4a) ::: 4. (15GBP of cost) Vehicle Type: Jester Vehicle Colour: FBI Wrap( Preset wrap: st3v3n517) Specify any upgrades: FBI Wrap( Preset wrap: st3v3n517) Username to lock: itzswen Where you want it placed: My apartment, Parking spot, located at: ::: (https://prnt.sc/1qyf3o0) (https://prnt.sc/1qyf65i) ::: 5. (10GBP of cost) Vehicle Type: Maverick Vehicle Colour: : Bright red, Color code doesn't really matter. Specify any upgrades: None Username to lock: itzswen Where you want it placed: Los Santos, Airport (If possible on the targetted helipad, if not just somewhere on the airport. ::: (https://prnt.sc/1qyfjz9) ::: If anything is not clear you can either PM me in-game or post on here. Thanks in advance, Cryptic
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