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  1. Nice rule: be a ranger or die in a danger,.. It can be used as a motto xD
  2. @perlo said in [GMI] Global Motors Industries: @jamal said in [GMI] Global Motors Industries: Th VL is kicked and th L is banned, Jamal 1- you blackliste in GMI 2- you have accounts (apple-warwick-and...) and i doing report for this -1- i dont care 2- i'm Warwick i changed my nick and apple is not mine...
  3. Th VL is kicked and th L is banned,
  4. Well, tour VL arrested a officer for 1star and when i PMed you, you said that there's no rule disallow that.... Btw kick some retarded members maybe we can say all of them.... Anyways GL...
  5. Epichu you suck ;)
  6. Granted, but you'll crash the PC in 2days.. I want to eat in a resturuant for free :moneybag:
  7. @master-chief said in [GMI] Global Motors Industries: 1 - your username : classfield 2 - account name : classfield 3 - age : classfield 4 - Nationalty : classfield 5 - Languages Spoken : classfield 6 - English skills 0/10 : classfield 7 - Truck driving skills 0/10 : classfield 8 - Why do you want to join us? : classfield 9 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : classfield 11 - what is RP : classfield 12 - Strentgthss : classfield 13 - Weakness : classfield 14 - Explain our role IN YOUR WORDS : fuck off? 15 - Pervious Groups : your ass :expressionless: I'm died ;D
  8. Done!
  9. @master-chief said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: @flex said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: @master-chief said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: @flex said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: @master-chief said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: well it's a good idea because i know a friend have 8 accounts or 9 is it Hesha? I wish if it was hesha but sadly he is one of my friends and i can't tell you his name :stuck_out_tongue: It must be you! it's right that i have 3 accounts........but i only use one...... #BANNED
  10. @cornelius hi memer aka corn
  11. Granted, but you need to rape him.. I want to try DMing with a minigun at saes
  12. @kenny said in So I made a script for SAES..: Are we done here? I think we're done here Just lock this topic
  13. @perlo said in ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement Media Archive: Date:8/26/2018 Type of Activity:petrol in LV and arssted criminal and nice day with members ICE (SAM and JAMES) and we was very happy Screenshots:https://postimg.cc/gallery/oet50988/ What means petrol (it's ice not alt) 2.arssted: @perlo what means "arssted" Why using caps do you know what means SAM (it means San Andreas Medics..) @Sam & @James please check out your members....
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