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Everything posted by Thing

  1. Who gives a fuck
  2. Bye number one rulebreaker
  3. Dear @Mohamed-Mostafa, We have told you this before, but our opinion has not changed about you. Your loyalty is ridiculous, you also try to write a lot, for example, describing us in one sentence. You might think many words make something better. I can tell you that it does not. The application is below what we expect from people. Also besides your loyalty and over-writing skills, we do not trust you and think that you are too young as well. Besides that, our members are also not positive about you at all. Therefore, we have decided to deny you from The Company. I could tell you to reapply in two weeks, but with the current opinions from our members and leadership about you, I am almost certain that looking for another organisation is a better choice for you. Yours sincerely, Thing Recruitment Manager & Honorary Member of The Company
  4. I think sound mods can only be installed individually
  5. @RAMPAGE said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0afhfsdE5Y Slightly offended that you did not include me in this
  6. @JeSoS said in The Company: That means 21 days or 12 days??? 21 in total, 12 days from now.
  7. @JeSoS, You were told that you could reapply in two weeks, it has been 9 days. Therefore your application is denied and I will add another week on the two weeks that were already handed to you. Yours sincerely, Thing Recruitment Manager & Honorary Member of The Company
  8. Dear @McJoni, After reading your application and the overall opinion about you within and outside of our organisation, we have come to the conclusion that we do not trust your loyalty. Also, your application was below average and does not come close to the standards we expect from our applicants. The logic you have used is not what we are looking for either when answering the questions. You can still prove yourself to us. However, it will take a lot of effort and therefore you will not be allowed to reapply before a period of 4 weeks. Yours sincerely, Thing Recruitment Manager & Honorary Member of The Company
  9. Do it for our sake
  10. Mate you're getting desperate
  11. @Tut-Greco said in Dacia 1300 Mod.: it's hard to make this post clear without offending the lovers of the Dacia 1300. to keep it short. it doesn't blend in. sure, we have 007's Aston Martin but it's of a well known brand and car itself is fairly known around the globe. # vote has been idling at 65% for more than a week, it doesn't seem like it's pulling in any more votes. i'll give it 48 hours, so spread the poll around if you'd like it to potentially reach 75% in-favour votes :) As if Renault (which is the owner of Dacia and also the designer of this model) is not a well-known brand and everyone is able to drive a multi million euro classic car? Also its in PUBG which makes it a well-known car anyway. Its a fun little ride, it fits in better than that ugly R32 mod you guys had earlier and honestly the Aston Martin blends in even worse than this.
  12. @JohnnyEnglish let me have my moment of joy
  13. Honestly Pancy, I believe that you should be able to shoot from pick-up trucks for example, not from the roof of a car or whatsoever. If that would be implemented I would support your idea.
  14. @McJoni you should make your application readable, this is a maze when you don't keep the format we set, edit it in 24 hours or I will deny you.
  15. @batya8890 said in Shooting while glued.: @Thing I think that's why you're being punished more.It was a joke. What are you even trying to say with this comeback lmfao, you are literally telling him how to abuse, that is not a joke.
  16. @batya8890 said in Shooting while glued.: Press the X key, then press F1> I'm stuck. If you do this, then you can shoot. And you wonder why you get punished so many times
  17. Dear @Jukee, We would like to congratulate and welcome you to The Company since you have passed our tests. We wish you a good time and hope to have you with us for the long run. Yours sincerely, Thing Recruitment Manager & Honorary Member of The Company
  18. Oh nein (wb though)
  19. Dear @Lilskies, The quality of this application is extremely low. Actually, it is not even close to the standards we expect. Writing with random capitals through sentences, numerous spelling and grammar mistakes, but also bad answers to our questions does not bring you anywhere near a positive result. We are also in doubt of your loyalty due to the reasons of leaving your previous organisations and getting kicked from our allies, the Wild Angels. Therefore, we have decided that your application is Denied. In two weeks from now you are allowed to apply again. This does however require you to hang with us on a daily basis and your application should be improved a lot. Good luck in your future and hopefully you understand what to do to improve yourself. Yours sincerely, Thing Recruitment Manager & Honorary Member of The Company
  20. @Bas said in Official Quote Wall: He probably trains them to become better because of it
  21. Dear @Jukee, You have written a really good application with feasible answers. Indeed in the third miscellaneous question, you have to see inside of my head to understand the answer. In this case, you would be out in the open without any cover. However, your answer was well written and build up just like the rest of your application. Therefore, we will give you Under Review. Show yourself to our members in-game and we will have a final vote about you. Good luck with the rest of your recruitment process. Yours sincerely, Thing Recruitment Manager & Honorary Member of The Company
  22. Fiverr is one of the best inventions ever.
  23. Sad news, 49 is way too young to pass and this guy made some bangers with The Prodigy
  24. Well there comes the spawn. Of course, this is only the minimum of what you guys can achieve. See you soon at the top. As Felix always said, luck is for the weak. Therefore you guys won't need it. Congratulations brothers!
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