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Everything posted by soniN.

  1. Starting Price: $5M Screens:
  2. Starting Price: $20.000.000
  3. Starting Price: $20.000.000 Screens:
  4. Type Of Activity: RP ALT Members: soniN Participants: @Flippy10 Information/Story: I was in my office at All Load Trucking Headquarters when my phone rings. ZIP Headquarters were calling because they were needing some goods for the new construction they are building, an wave's energy station. After the call was finished, i prepared my roadtrain. I did a small check up about the tires air pressure, fuel status, gave the roadtrain a small wash, so I can keep the company's look better with clean trucks and an clean service. While I was loading my trailer, I've decided to call back to ZIP Headquarters and decided with the chief about the loadings services and payments. I needed to drove 3 times because the tubes were so bigs and they needed to load once by once up on my trailer. When I've finished the 3 deliveries, they presented to us the station, It is really awesome and clean. One more sucessfull complete work for All Load Trucking, we will get the payments in 15 days, it was the accord I did with ZIP Headquarter. Special thanks for use our delivery service, feel free to contact our services anytime! Screenshots ::: :::
  5. Event: RoadTrain Race to MC top from Creek LWS: @KARIM Winner: @RiseAgain Prize: $1.000.000 Album: ::: :::
  6. Starting Price: $2m Minimum Bid Increase: $1m Screens:
  9. @marepn92 Gz u won
  10. Type Of Activity: soniN Truck engine problems and Mechanical pyzito repair ALT Members: [ALT]soniN[PO] Participants: Pyzito Information/Story: Good morning, am I talking to the red country mechanic? Yes it is, so what can I help? I am a driver of heavy goods vehicles in a company in Red Country, and yesterday when I ended up doing my last unloading of the day I noticed that my truck was making some noises near the engine, however I noticed that whenever I pass the limit of revolutions per minute, and I am contacting you to ask if there is any way I can stop by your workshop for you to analyze the condition of my truck and try to solve these problems ... Of course, I will then take my tow truck and then bring your truck to my workshop to analyze the problems that have been mentioned. Well, dear Mr. Sonin, I can tell you that your truck needs some tuning in terms of engine timing belts and changing the oil filter, I will make this change now so that you can then return as soon as possible to the your job and no longer worry about these factors. Okay then Mr. Pyzito, thank you so much for fixing and repairing my truck, I am grateful for your help and your service as a mechanic. Now, any doubts you have or problems already know who to contact to solve the problems. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GvoHIdz
  11. Starting Price: $20.000.000 Minimum Bid Increase: $2.000.000 Screens:
  12. Starting Price: $20.000.000 Minimum Bid Increase: $2.000.000 Screens:
  13. @Jay @Human_
  14. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 82 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Why do you need this change? Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/101000-donation-sonin-amount-1000-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/98141-donation-sonin-amount-1100-gbp/?tab=comments#comment-1803284 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6822/donation-sonin157-amount-11-00-gbp?_=1582722351950 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17640/donation-sonin-amount-20-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/18531/donation-sonin-amount-30-00-gbp?_=1589289002323 Links to your previous donation changes requests: ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: RC CAM Location: (Apartment 51 Lv Complexsouth) the park in front Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: RC TIGER, KART AND Vortex Location: Outfit base, I will show you the right place username: sonin157 ======================================================================== Part 4: Change place Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: SF airport I will show the right place( with spawn) Username: sonin157 ======================================================================== Part 5: I want to change place this 2 Vehicle 1: RC BANDIT and Raider Location: Outfit base, I will show you the right place Username: sonin157
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