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karaejder61's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Candidate Name: karaejder61 Candidate Region:Red County
  2. Candidate Name: karaejder61 Candidate Region:Red County
  3. Ingame name: 215|OFli Ingame username: karaejder61 Previous organizations and leaving causes: None Define Underground Empire: It is the gang that was founded on June 23, 1866. The gang commits robbery, war, extortion. They have casinos in las venturas and do dirty work. What connects you to the Underground Empire: the gang is very strong and they do great things I depend on them because they go to wars. What do you know about organized crime: they go to war and look to make big profit with system.
  4. Ingame name: 215|OFli Ingame username: karaejder61 Previous organizations and leaving causes:N/A Define Underground Empire:Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate..They Are Diffrent then the other Gangs UE was founded on June 23, 1866. the founders are John Dixon , Edward McFarlane , Judah Davis they were former Confederate soldiers. .they didn't find a job so they choose crimnale way to began rich so they got mission from politicians to kill some one and this is a part from UE roleplay it's Contract Killing and they have other role plays What binds you with Underground Empire: . i'like Acting like Mafia and i'found UE specially then others in their role play and they have a skilled members and experienced and i'want to improve My Self in this Family simply they are rspectfull What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is any enteprrise or group of person engaged in a conoinuing illegal activity which has as its primary purpese the generation of profis. Beside the main activities being illegal under various state and federal laws, there are also laws which deal with money laundering from organized crime activities. Criminal organizations keep their illegal dealing secret, and members comunicating by word of mouth. Many oreganized crime operationse have profitable legal businesses, such as icensed gambing, building construction, or trrash hauling which operation alongside and provide in "cover" for the illegal business
  5. Ingame name:215|OFli Ingame username: karaejder61 Previous organizations and leaving causes: I never was in any organization Define Underground Empire: Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded on June 23, 1866 by former confederate soldier that have nothing to live for so they created Underground Empire What binds you with Underground Empire: I'm on saes for some time now and helping UE in Turf wars and being a helper to the gang over all. I have 2 friends who already joined your ranks before so that is one of the reasons why i want to join the gang. I also have knowlage about the rules of gang vs gang stuff as well. What do you know about organized crime: Its a complex of highly setup enterprises for the engaging in illegal activities such as protection,payments,robbery,kidnapping,drugs,gambling. For short they are sometimes called crime families and they share everything that happens there either if its a good or bad thing. They have to obey/listen or act together as team and have mutual respect for their leaders and suppiriors.
  6. Ingame name: 215|OFli Ingame username: karaejder61 Previous organizations and leaving causes: No previous organization Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate. Difference is that Underground Empire doesn't have ethnic limits also they have really strong brotherhood to keep each-other backs without fear.Some gang members are part of a high society that are known as politicians and businessmen. As a one man says Underground everything's different What binds you with Underground Empire: I have many friends in this gang and they taught me so much things and i realized that Underground Empire is a gang full of legendary people that makes UE really empire so thats why i want to be in this gang.I have seen many gang members who are classy with their styles and then i notices that is the gang for me. i am a fighter that i can fight for this gang What do you know about organized crime:Organized crime is a formed community by highly dangerously criminals they have their own reason that is mostly money and lets not forget about the main reason, their one rule to play its profit.Its a community which is controller,leaded by wise people's everything is planned.Also gangs may become part of organized crime of course with discipline and loyal members also with a wise leader.Its mostly called mafia or crime syndicate. "Beneath this mask there is more than flesh.Beneath this mask there is an idea and ideas are bulletproof." Regards 215|OFli
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