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  1. Hello everyone. I will keep it plain and simple. I probably would have needed it to write this sooner or later. I have been playing this for quite a time now and as with many games I've lost interest in it over time. I have accomplished almost everything I dreamt of the first few days I played here. Those of you that are genuinely interested in my backstory of here may read the spoiler below, others can ignore. ::: I had been playing here since probably 2015 or something. In my first few days I met Milionaire and someday after I joined the gang that he led, Texas Cartels, to which I had been loyal for until it died. I had probably my best time of saes in that gang. Back then the server was full of interesting people not turks nor tunisians which probably made it more fun for me back then. In TC I was level 4 when it died. After that I was gangless for quite some time until I decided to try out the cop side by joining SAPA, but it didnt really meet my expectations so after some months I left it and joined in the gang I still am today, The Outfit. I joined O when it was level 2. I worked my way up to HR first and Lynchpin now. I had quite a lot of fun here aswell and it became something that I really did respect as the members were really mature and the hq team is, for me, the best out of all the gangs in the server. I will be staying here until it dies, if it ever does. And yes, Joe, Jay, SNome have really done an amazing job in leading the gang to where it is now. System, Sira and many more members have also contributed a lot. Kudos to all of you! ::: There are 2 major reasons behind my inactivity. Firstly, I have lost interest, as I've said above, almost everything that I thought I needed to achieve or accomplish, I have already done so. I have become a respected member of 2 gangs, I have joined the government. I have led Lounge as the CEO of it and partook in almost every major event that it hosted. I have done pretty much a lot of things that are possible for a criminal in saes. Heck I have even tried being a police at SAPA and even joined rTECH and San andreas filmworks. I am more than satisfied with what I have got, and I dont think anything else can make this game interesting to me anymore, I do understand that there are a lot of things to do but truly, I am done. I have recently become a Supertester in a game called world of warships which I play daily. A supertester is basically someone who tests the contents of the game before it is inplemented in the live servers. Therefore, I have to contribute a lot of time into this particular game but I have also been playing War Thunder aswell as GTA 5 online which I got recently. After all this I have very little time to spare for SAES. I also have college and my girlfriend to take care of so yeah I cant make up the time for playing in saes. I am not exactly leaving, as a lot of might have already guessed. But I wanted to pinpoint exactly why I am inactive now, and as much as I miss saes I cannot play here at the moment. I probably will join the server from time to time, or even during lounge/Outfit activites. Tbh, i probably would have gone inactive sooner if not fir Lounge, but I've resigned from my post of CEO, and now many great people are here to lead it so i can finally do what I am doing rn. I am always active in discord and facebook so if you want to contact me just use these. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone that were part of my life here at saes, please do contact me from time to time, ill miss you all. I pray for the wellness of all of you. If anyone would like to play gta5 together or wows, then contact me right away aswell. Peace.
  2. @VayraN said in SAES Meme Pictures V2:
  3. @Assassin said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: Damn @Adistar . And for god sake @Deu and @Jay there are following advantages if we make it: The end of discussion b/w NNB and O No people in SAES will have to think which side was better and waste their brain energy on figuring out whether NNB or O was the dark side. Trolls source on Outfit activity will be highly reduced. NNB will gather as a team after a long time Money income from people like Adistar that are willing to pay to watch this (we can split it afterwards) More than 90% of the server will be happy and their school grades will rapidly increase. (what a deep joke here) I will personally open my camera to commentate on this match with @Ardron How dare you not include me alongside Ardron for commentating.
  4. @System31 said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: oUtFit is iNactiVe
  5. Nope, there are a lot of other plans we have too and they will be implemented and announced soon!
  6. That drawing is depressing, I won't even start with the meme itself.
  7. Registrations closed. Those that still haven't paid the fee yet please do so asap.
  8. 3 hours left. Registrations will be closed after that. Betting topic will be made soon. Every registered team is to confirm the registration by either contacting me or Ardron with the payment of the registration fee in 2 days. In addition to that, each team is to send me a taunt/quote directed towards their opponents which I'll add on one of the banners made in the betting topic. More importantly, CS is now banned in Gangwars. More news will be coming in Lounge discord:- https://discord.gg/UGcQMf Peace.
  9. LoungeINC, according to the pole results, declares the ban of CS in gangwars. For anyone that wants to learn more about how people had played matches without it before, I suggest watching some of the streams from Ardron. Peace.
  10. Registrations will be extended for 24 hours more.
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