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PaiN500 last won the day on December 24 2022

PaiN500 had the most liked content!

About PaiN500

  • Birthday 05/07/2003

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  1. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal + wrap Location: LV Airport Username: siyar210 Interior: N/A Vehicle 2: Shamal + wrap Location: LS Airport Username: siyar210 Interior: N/A Vehicle 3: Shamal + wrap Location: SF Airport Username: siyar210 Interior: N/A Vehicle 4: Shamal + wrap Location: BC Airport Username: siyar210 Interior: N/A
  2. Store Robbery #1 | 15/08/2023 Store Robbery #2 | 15/08/2023 Casino Robbery | 15/08/2023 VIP | 15/08/2023 Camels assisted Rogue with their BR in RC | 15/08/2023 Camels assisted ThC with their BR in SF | 15/08/2023 Camels BR in LV (8/8) Camels BR in TR (7/8)
  3. Address: The Off License Shop Account name: lynch1 Last seen: 9th July 2023 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tvipYaT
  4. Address: Trailer 15e Account name: testedgamer Last seen: 6th June 2023 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AhsInjK
  5. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: N/A Location: N/A Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: San Fierro Airport Vehicle 2: Shamal Location: Las Venturas Airport Vehicle 3: Shamal Location: Los Santos Airport Vehicle 4: Shamal Location: Bone County Airport Username: siyar210 Interior: N/A
  6. ^[] House Robbery | 10/10/2022 [s=HR #1] [/s] Camels assisted G~T with their BR in Bayside | 09/10/2022 [s=BR #1] [/s] Mall Robbery | 10/10/2022 [s=MR #1] [/s] Store Robbery | 10/10/2022 [s=SR #1] [/s] Store Robbery | 10/10/2022 [s=SR #2] [/s] Mall Robbery | 11/10/2022 [s=MR #2] [/s] Camels assisted G~T with their BR in RC | 11/10/2022 [s=BR #2] [/s] Camels assisted ThC with their BR in Blueberry | 11/10/2022 [s=BR #3] [/s] Camels assisted ThC with their BR in Whetstone | 11/10/2022 [s=BR #4] [/s] VIP | 11/10/2022 [s=VIP #1] [/s] Store Robbery | 11/10/2022 [s=SR #3] [/s] VIP | 11/10/2022 [s=VIP #2] [/s] ^[] Turfing (11/10/2022) [s=Before + After] Before ^[] After ^[] [/s] Turfing (13/10/2022) [s=Before + After] Before ^[] After ^[] [/s] ^[]
  7. ^[] Store Robbery | 20/06/2022 [s=SR #1] [/s] Store Robbery | 20/06/2022 [s=SR #2] [/s] Store Robbery | 22/06/2022 [s=SR #3] [/s] Store Robbery | 22/06/2022 [s=SR #4] [/s] Store Robbery | 22/06/2022 [s=SR #5] [/s] Store Robbery | 24/06/2022 [s=SR #6] [/s] Store Robbery | 24/06/2022 [s=SR #7] [/s] Store Robbery | 26/06/2022 [s=SR #8] [/s] Store Robbery | 26/06/2022 [s=SR #9] [/s] Camels assisted ThC with their BR in LV | 20/06/2022 [s=BR #1] [/s] Camels assisted HS with their BR in BC | 22/06/2022 [s=BR #2] [/s] Camels assisted Z with their BR in ? | 22/06/2022 [s=BR #3] [/s] Camels assisted Z with their BR in SF | 22/06/2022 [s=BR #4] [/s] Camels assisted with the CR | 22/06/2022 [s=CR #1] [/s] ^[] Camels BR in RC (8/8) ^[] Camels BR in TR (8/8) ^[] Camels BR in BC (5/8) ^[] ^[]
  8. Starting bid: $10.000.000 Screenshots: ^[] [s=] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] [/s]
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