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  1. FEATURES $2,400 Income $750 Expenses Starting bid; $300,000 Minimum bid; $30,000
  2. FEATURES Huge building $8,000 income $2,500 expenses Staring bid: $1,000,000 Min bid: $100,000
  3. Address: Autobahn Tourist Information Account name: ahron Last seen: 26th January 2021 Screenshots:
  4. Douglas Private Offices* Not Souglas.
  5. Address: Souglas Private Office Account name: aceit Last seen: 8th February 2021 Screenshots:
  6. Here's a few of my suggestions for Nanoshop; 1- Ability to change the time of day Sometimes when it hits dawn, the lighting makes it hard to see your vehicle when you're working on it. 2- Ability to move more than one part at a time It gets pretty annoying when you have to move every part up and down when you're lifting a chassis up with the doors and what not. 3- Ability to stretch parts Nothing more annoying when you add a component and it doesn't fit, stretching would help alot. 4- Glowing parts It's frustrating when you have multiple parts that are the same and you edit the value of one that is already placed. With an outline or glowing of the part you are using, this would fix the problem entirely.
  7. Hey guys, here i will be showing my custom car builds with Nanoshop. I do these for fun, i am fairly new to the server but if you would like to have my creation, i'll sell them per donations. I don't have a price for any of these, nor will i ever. Just offer me a reasonable offer and i will take it for sure. I don't change any wheels on these because that would make you not be able to change them & changing the front wheels in Nanoshop, makes it so the wheels don't turn anymore. Here's what i got so far; Bobcat Sports Truck Cost to build; 3,523,750 Hustler Hot Rod The supercharger pulley rotates. Cost to build; 2,598,000 Bencador Yes, you can stick inside on this one. Cost to build; 672,000 --Updated, fixed the exhaust.-- Apocalyptic Dune Yes, you can stick on this one. Cost to build; 802,500 Sadler Offroad Cost to build; 1,528,000 DFT-30 Bunker Cost to build; 1,040,000 Rancher Offroad Cost to build; 1,886,000 Sadler Offroad Recovery Cost to build; 1,818,000 Yes, it does tow. I do take requests. Ingame; RF|Strxggle|A Discord; Strxggle#7078 Or PM on forums!
  8. Address: Montgomery Raimi Realty Shop Account name: DavidGMaster Last seen: 2nd January 2021 Screenshots:
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