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Pirana's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: Kara, Nevs, Kok, Akita, and me. Location: SF Winner & Prize: Me https://imgur.com/undefined
  2. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: Diesel, Cena, Evans, and me. Location: Ls Winner & Prize: Evans https://imgur.com/V8t0ecb
  3. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: Diesel, Lala, BlaZeO, Evans, Vex, and me. Location: Ls Winner & Prize: Evans https://imgur.com/undefined
  4. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: Villain, zk98, ottoy, nCov, Lou, Beauty, and me. Location: Ls Winner & Prize: Beauty https://imgur.com/undefined
  5. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: Villain, Kara, Beauty, and me. Location: RC Winner & Prize: Beauty https://imgur.com/lX77Ptg
  6. -TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: Cripz_Lou, Cripz_nCov, [TT]Beauty, and me. Location: RC Winner & Prize: [TT]Beauty Screenshots: https://imgur.com/DdKja12
  7. *Ingame:Pirana *ingame username:215|Pirana *previous organizations and leaving causes: This will be my first gang. *Define Underground Empire: UE is better and more successful than other gangs. UE's clothes are enough to distinguish them from other gangs. UE is like a real mob organization. *What binds you with Underground Empire: Friendship and strength. They have been training me since I was 215 and this is the biggest factor that connects me to this gang. This gang allowed me to be more successful: Robbing, killing, drug dealing etc. *What do you know about organized crime: Arms and drug trades, shop and bank robberies and similar events
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