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Everything posted by weeevils

  1. Username: quasimodo Age: 18 Country: England Languages spoken: English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 11 How long have you been playing on SAES: It has been 8 months In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins are one of the oldest gangs which are one of the best at arms dealing. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): I recently left The Company as I didn't have any friends to enjoy playing the game with. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: No previous bans Name 3 Bankrob rules: No shooting at the markers No respawning as a cop when being a gang member Maximum of 2 bankrobs a day Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: I should not annoy those who are cracking. Name 3 Turf rules: Do not ask cops for assistance Do not ask special groups for assistance Only gang or hospital spawning What is Roleplay?: Acting as different fictional characters in a fictional setting. What is Deathmatching?: Revenge if you have been killed or killing someone for no reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Ignore it You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Ignore them. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: I know a few for example nishki, he recommended AA. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I am just trying to play with a nice, welcoming gang and to enjoy playing saes with new people.
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