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Posts posted by KendrickJamal

  1. Personal information
    Ingame Name: SonnyMontana
    Account name: KendrickJamal
    My Discord name: jGvS#9618
    Nationality: German
    Age: 18 years old.
    Main language: German.
    Other languages you speak: English, French and Russian.
    I am a always helpful and polite person, I treat everyone equally regardless of age, gender or origin. You can talk to me about problems and I am happy to help to get rid of these problems.

    Information in the game:
    How long have you been playing MTA: 1 year.
    How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 weeks.
    Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No.
    Previous G / S / C Memberships and Why They Left: I've only been to the same police department until now.

    Why did you register the FBI? I find the FBI very interesting and also see it as the best cadre I can be a member of. It would also be very interesting to me in principle.

    If you've heard yourself, you have your prohibition complaints: No prohibitions.
    General knowledge
    Role-play exists: Role-play (RP) is, if you hear yourself in your character ingame as your real life, you will always act as you do in your personal life.

    Deathmatching judges: DM is when one out of revenge or behavior needy people without good reason. Deathmatching is forbidden and includes things such as killing a player in revenge on his own or running a car over a player in order to listen to him or to arrest him. DM is also killed if you say no stars without risk in your own life. However, one can listen to demanding ones if one is outnumbered and no possibility is possible.

    Specify three server rules (F1):
    -Do not Marker Kill or maker arrest players entering or exiting a bank during, or just before, a Bank Robbery.
    -Do not Camp the hospital as any class. Once spawned, use the grace time to get a vehicle and leave the area. The exception is, of course, medics.
    -Do not abuse animations to hide in walls or objects. Do not use animation to give you an unfair advantage. This falls under the bug abuse rule.

  2. Personal information
    Name: Kendrick.
    Account name: KendrickJamal
    My Discord name: jGvS
    Nationality: German
    Age: 18 years old.
    Main language: German.
    Other languages you speak: English, French and Russian.
    Information in the game
    How long have you been playing MTA: 1 year.
    How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 weeks.
    Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No.
    Previous G / S / C Memberships and Why They Left: I've only been to the same police department until now.
    Why did you register the FBI? I find the FBI very interesting and also see it as the best cadre I can be a member of. It would also be very interesting to me in principle.
    If you've heard yourself, you have your prohibition complaints: No prohibitions.
    General knowledge
    Role-play exists: Role-play (RP) is, if you hear yourself in your character ingame as your real life, you will always act as you do in your personal life.
    Deathmatching judges: DM is when one out of revenge or behavior needy people without good reason.
    Specify three server rules (F1):
    Marker arrest or marker kill is not allowed.
    No mistakes.
    In the main chat no rude words were written, but rather were written with respect.

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