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Everything posted by Drogado

  1. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? May 29 this year ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Admiral // generic wrap: camo2 Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 2: Shammal Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 3: Go-Kart Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 4: Picator //generic wrap: Weed Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 5: Stratum //generic wrap: camo2 Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 6: , Cheetah // generic wrap: camo2 (With roof if possible) Vehicle Locations: SM BASE ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Admiral // generic wrap: camo2 Vehicle Locations: UE BASE Vehicle 2: Shammal Vehicle Locations: LS AP Vehicle 3: Go-Kart Vehicle Locations: UE BASE Vehicle 4: Picator //generic wrap: Weed Vehicle Locations: UE BASE Vehicle 5: Stratum //generic wrap: camo2 Vehicle Locations: UE BASE Vehicle 6: , Cheetah // generic wrap: camo2 (With roof if possible) Vehicle Locations: UE BASE ADD CARS in this spot and like this :
  2. Event No:#1172 Event Type : LMS Prize(s): 1m LWS : @Aveyro Winner: @ButcheR Screenshot(s)
  3. Event N: 1156 Event Type : M4 LMS Prize(s): 1M LWS : @voli Winner: doom ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/9j84FpS
  4. Event N: 1155 Event Type : Lucky tube Prize(s): 1M LWS : @voli Winner: @MrYolo ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/zS2ntvr
  5. Event N: 1154 Event Type : LMS Prize(s): 1M LWS : @voli Winner: @Bostonking ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/CHmw3rG
  6. Event N: 1153 Event Type : Face to Face LMS Prize(s): 1M LWS : @voli Winner: @Vladimir ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/myD1mX4
  7. Address: 2nd Floor 3 Verona Apartments Account name: zanpro Last seen: 14th March 2024 Screenshots:
  8. Address: 3rd Floor 1 Verona Apartments Account name: zanpro Last seen: 14th March 2024 Screenshots:
  9. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? more than 2 year ago ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Admiral // generic wrap: camo2 Vehicle Locations: Las Colinas 31 Vehicle 2: Maverick // generic wrap: Weed Vehicle Locations: CDC BASE Vehicle 3: Go-Kart Vehicle Locations: CDC BASE Vehicle 4: Picator / /generic wrap: Weed Vehicle Locations: CDC BASE Vehicle 5: huntley / /generic wrap: emotions Vehicle Locations: Las Colinas 31 Vehicle 6: Turismo Vehicle Locations: Las Colinas 31 ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Admiral // generic wrap: camo2 Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 2: Shammal Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 3: Go-Kart Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 4: Picator //generic wrap: Weed Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 5: Stratum //generic wrap: camo2 Vehicle Locations: SM BASE Vehicle 6: , Cheetah // generic wrap: camo2 (With roof if possible) Vehicle Locations: SM BASE ADD CARS in this spot and like this : Shammal:
  10. Activity: Store Robbery Date: 15/05/2024 Screenshot(s) :
  11. Activity: Store Robbery Date: 15/05/2024 Screenshot(s) :
  12. Activity: Casino Robbery Date: 15/05/2024 Screenshot(s) :
  13. Event N: 1124 Event Type : lms Prize(s): 1m LWS : @CeSaR Winner: @LeWoq ScreenShots:
  14. Event N: 1123 Event Type : uzy/sniper Prize(s): 1m LWS : @CeSaR Winner: @frank6tomas ScreenShots:
  15. Event N: 1122 Event Type : 1vs1 all guns Prize(s): 1m LWS : @CeSaR Winner: @Snake. ScreenShots:
  16. Event N: 1121 Event Type : LMS Prize(s): 1m LWS : @CeSaR Winner: @Chico ScreenShots:
  17. Date: 12/04/2024 Participants: - Type of activity: Taxi around Saes Duration: 5 mins
  18. Date: 12/04/2024 Participants: - Type of activity: Taxi around Saes Duration: 5 mins
  19. Date: 12/04/2024 Participants: - Type of activity: Taxi around Saes Duration: 5 mins Screenshots:
  20. Date: 12/04/2024 Participants: - Type of activity: Taxi around Saes Duration: 5 mins Screenshots:
  21. Date: 12/04/2024 Participants: - Type of activity: Taxi around Saes Duration: 5 mins Screenshots:
  22. Date: 12/04/2024 Participants: - Type of activity: Taxi around Saes Duration: 5 mins Screenshots:
  23. Date: 12/04/2024 Participants: - Type of activity: Taxi around Saes Duration: 5 mins Screenshots:
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