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Everything posted by Getskillz

  1. @RAMPAGE brophy confirmed it already
  2. bro delete this link in old forum post
  3. @nulgath happy bday
  4. Vehicle Type: G class Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/156 Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: at my prop in SF
  5. Vehicle Type: G class Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/156 Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: at my prop in SF
  6. This is an automated post TXN ID: 7AG35067R9743972L Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  7. This is an automated post TXN ID: 2BR98076898595846 Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  8. Happy bdayyyyy
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