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  1. Address: House Of The Camel Account name: rand12 Last seen: 16th january 2021 Screenshots:
  2. Address: House Of The Bison Account name: felixizm Last seen: 25th february 2021 Screenshots:
  3. Address: 16a Donut Road Account name: xho0ps Last seen: 25th february 2021 Screenshots:
  4. Address: 2 Donut Road Account name: vagany Last seen: 6th january 2021 Screenshots:
  5. @mohamed-mostafa said in [SUGGESTION] Recent Bank Robbery Rule/Script Changes: Are you really taking it like that ? Pushing criminal side back ? Criminals were spawning as police and other groups so they can see the radio chat and to make the others BR successfully by raising the police online numbers, And about "Justification" number 2, Like that you are trying to force the cops to not spawn at anything they want to spawn as, That's unfair for police, For example what if i'm spawned as a cop and I got bored from playing as a cop, and I tried to spawn as ALT or anything else, I will get punished because I wanted to spawn as another class while there's a BR on ? Really ?? Have you thought this situation from criminals side? Heres only that difference that criminals can be what they want, unless you dont spawn as a cop to manipulate the system. But my view in that case is that, if you cant manipulate the system as crim, then its not allowed as a cop too. But its hard to prove that you have really manipulated the system as a full of understand onto. Thats why it needs to get repaired, example that thing that they said above: onto br can be included everyone online player who belongs on squad to start br. Why? Because heres that thing: Freedom to be what you want with no restriction to not to do that, blabla.. If heres ongoing br, you can come to help from "offduty" to assist your mates in ongoing bankrobbery. Thats the way like in real life could do on this situation. Then it goes correctly, without problems and you keep your freedom to playe as whoever you want to, at least from my point of view.
  6. Address: 3 English Only Road Account name: edvards890 Last seen: 18th february 2021 Screenshots:
  7. Address: Las Colinas 36 Account name: st0kke Last seen: 22nd february 2021 Screenshots:
  8. 2.3m is my last offer bro
  9. 2m offer comes here.
  10. Roleplay #5 Participants: @beauty @nCov @Lou-2 @WenDo @ZoRo Story: We had an car waiting for repair in Cuban Cars SF Garage. It had problems with engine, hood, trunk and doors. I fixed the engine hoods lock (problems opening it), and the engine. Engine had problems (run only with 3 cylinders of four). I changed the ignition coil into engine, and it started to work well. Onto hood lock i put some oil to get it working again. We did the test drive with @nCov , and it felt good to handle it, and engine were running well. All seems to be ok this time. Screenshots: iGoogles CC activities
  11. Address: Paynes Mansion Account name: tatsuo Last seen: 5th february 2021 Screenshots:
  12. Address: Los Inkas Weapons Storehouse Account name: alfredolg Last seen: 13th february 2021 Screenshots:
  13. Address: 12 S&m Road Account name: skyliner Last seen: 12th february 2021 Screenshots:
  14. Roleplay #4 Participants: @Griffin Story: I were in dayshift as a towtruck driver / mechanic, and my phone ringed. Cuban Cars from lv called for assistance. One their mechanic was get sick, and they asked me to tow customers vehicle and help on repairing it in their LV workshop. So, I took the address where the car was, and picked it up and towed it in LV workshop of cuban cars. Then me, and mechanic @Griffin worked a lot to repair customers car. I heard it was crashed with motorbike, so we needed to change engine, because motorbike crashed onto front very bad, and we needed to change windshield and rear bumper too. When it was ready, I took the towtruck and towed it into customers home. Screenshots: iGoogles CC activities
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