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Ozz's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. -TMH Technicians Working on [08/02/2021]- TMH Technicians Involved: Ozz Location: LV-X Estimated Duration of Working: 7 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NJ7b3IO
  2. -TMH Technicians Working on [08/02/2021]- TMH Technicians Involved: Ozz Location: LV-X Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XdrAepk
  3. -TMH Technicians Working on [08/02/2021]- TMH Technicians Involved: Ozz Location: LV-X Estimated Duration of Working: about 6 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NYfuU0s
  4. -TMH Technicians Working on [08/02/2021]- TMH Technicians Involved: Ozz Location: LV-X Estimated Duration of Working: 8 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 6 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YaDPvbK
  5. -TMH Technicians Working on [05/02/2021]- TMH Technicians Involved: Ozz Location: LV-X Estimated Duration of Working: 15 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 6 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eHORnwh
  6. -TMH Technicians Working on [05/02/2021]- TMH Technicians Involved: Ozz Location: LV-X Estimated Duration of Working: about 10 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Xu9PFRN
  7. Ingame name: Ozz Username: Ozz Country of Residence and Nationality: I'm from Bulgaria and I live in Bulgaria. Spoken Languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian (In process of studying) Age: 19 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: The winter of 2014. I've had some breaks though. Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: None yet. Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Yes, it was Dankata.
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