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Everything posted by esta

  1. Hay alguien aqu que viva en Lanzarote? is there anyone here who lives in Lanzarote?
  2. srry, i am a designer but not for logo/bannres
  3. jesus cry what a shit topic, you dont even say what kind of designer you are looking for, is it for webites/merchandise/logo/banners......
  4. closed
  5. closed.
  6. Starting bid from 370k 48 hours action Lovely place near fuel station and SR posibility https://imgur.com/a/dBlFg3e
  7. Selling apartment in the beautiful LV east Starting bid 400k Action takes 48hours https://imgur.com/a/vkxmAd5
  8. Goodluck to all of us, and to the people that will join uw in the future! We can do this <3
  9. Section 1 - Personal Information Name: Esta Account name: Esta Age: 19 Country: The Netherlands Can you speak English to an understandable level?: Yes, sir Section 2 - In-game Information How long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: Since 2011 Previous gangs/squads/companies?: SAFP, FBI, ALT, Green~Berents, Balkan~Spies, Helvete, SWAT, SAPA Have you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?: Somewhere in 2014 i think, its a long time ago Are you in any groups?: No If you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?: To do their best to reach lvl 1 :) What will you bring to the S.A. Elite SEALs?: A lots of activity Its a must for me to help you guys, through this hard time with the lost of our friend.
  10. @laza <3 people always forget to give love to each other, nowadays its war/complains/hate/fight. People really have to show some more respect to each other. My compliments to you Laza by giving him a compliment which he really liked.
  11. I can't believe this... I known him for so long, we have played SAES together so many times. SEALs generation 1 was our perfect time together. Condolences with the loss of Faker, to everyone here and especially for the people that known him in real..
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