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Everything posted by CodeX

  1. Name: CodeX Username: ptgboss Rank before kick/leave: Cadet with 0 stars and procop diploma. How long have you been in sapa: The last time I've been in SAPA, I stayed there for longer than one year. Who kicked you: I was not kicked from the squad (at the time, it was still a squad), I left by my own, moving then to FBI. Date of kick/leave: I am not sure, but definitely around March 7th 2018. Reason for kick/leave: As I said before, at the time I was already in possession of my ProCop diploma and as SAPA was still a squad. Even though I do like the role of a SAPA instructor I have decided to move to another squad where I had been before joining SAPA, the FBI. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : As stated many time above, I have left due to SAPA being a squad at the time and my priorities would be to join the FBI again. Why do you want back in? : As already mentioned, I do like the role of a SAPA instructor, but unfortunately at the time SAPA was still squad. Now that it is a group I look forward to joining the academy and become an instructor or higher. What have you learned from this? : I've realized the importance of the academy in the server policing and police training as well as my will of joining the organization again. Who do you want to apologize to? : I would like to apologize the academy for leaving, either because they needed my activity to mantain the squad active or for any other reason if there's one. Why should we give you a second chance?: I'm really interested in the academy role of teaching new police officers and I wish I could take part in the roster of SAPA, I will try to do my best to evolve my career inside the academy.
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