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Everything posted by GamerZ

  1. Roleplay Story : Stealing a car (from ScsA) Date: 13.8.2021 @blaze said in BloodZ - Media Archive: Participants: @BloodZ + @Nevs (@RF) + @GamerZ450 Story** I received phone calls from another gang member waiting for me at a location away from Los Santos. So I call my homies and left for there, along the way I told him we were going to rob him of all the weed he had to sell to us. I told them the whole plan of what they would do when they met that person and I would wait for them somewhere near them to get the order. So they went to him, met him and continued to talk about quality after a few moments Pablo and Lala pointed their guns at the person who had the weed. They took the van and headed straight for me. After a few minutes my homies came in the van full of weed we had taken. And then we got weed and left Screenshots:
  2. Adress: 4a Donut Road Starting Bid : 500.000 $ Screenshots:
  3. Address: 8a Donut Road Account name: kamielenslv Last seen: 30th June Screenshots:
  4. Address: 4a Donut Road Account name: yznmhd Last seen: 29th June Screenshots:
  5. Current soulution https://imgur.com/or0kwsr
  6. Starting Bid : 4.000.000 $ Minumum Bid increase : 500.000 $ Informations : Carspawn, in Turf, near SR, near Bank, space for donations. Screenshots :
  7. Type of Activity : Searching for a prop for a client (sucecfully) Member : @GamerZ450 Partcipants : @Nevs @Castillo Date : 12.08.2021 Extra : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28079/property-close-to-rc-bank/11 Screenshot :
  8. Type Of Activity: Delivering goods ALT Members: @GamerZ450 Participants: Information/Story: Delivering deliverys around all of San Andreas Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Type of Activity : Selling cars in Las Venturas X Member : @GamerZ450 @Jizzy Partcipants : N/A Date : 11.08.2021 Screenshot :
  10. Type Of Activity: Delivering goods ALT Members: @GamerZ450 Participants: Information/Story: Delivering deliverys around all of San Andreas Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. This can be done soon (manually) with a ScsA member (you will give him your car and tell him like sell my car for atleast 5 mil and after a week he will give you it back or give you its money but you will have to pay him a commission up to 10% often price you have to make a dealing the member who will do it for more informations join the ScsA discord server https://discord.gg/KceQVSUq
  12. Type of Activity : Selling Journey cars and Wayfarers. Member : @GamerZ450 Partcipants : N/A Date : 9.8.2021 Screenshot :
  13. Group Topic : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28011/scsa-superior-customs-of-san-andreas ~[Everything brings money you just have to know how.]~(696969) ![Banner](https://i.imgur.com/bCiyx4j.png) **Roleplay Story :** (example: Buying base) **Date:** **Members :** **Partcipants :** **Roleplay :** text... ![Screenshot](link) text... ![Screenshot](link) text... ![Screenshot](link) text... ![Screenshot](link) ... ![Footer](https://i.imgur.com/LGI1C3x.png) ![Bild Text](https://i.imgur.com/yJmbrcw.png) **Event type :** **Prize :** **LWS :** **Winner :** **Screenshot :** ![screenshot](link) ![Footer](https://i.imgur.com/LGI1C3x.png) ![Bild Text](https://i.imgur.com/G9i0fvZ.png) **Type of Activity :** **Member :** **Partcipants :** **Date :** **Screenshot :** ![Screenshots](link) ![Bild Text](https://i.imgur.com/LGI1C3x.png)
  14. ~[Closed]~(red) Group Name: Superior Customs of San Andreas Group Founder: @GamerZ450 Discord channel: https://discord.gg/6jWW9GQ7Wd Superior Customs of San Andreas Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28013/scsa-superior-customs-of-san-andreas-media-archive Bank: 25.000.000 $ Tag: [ScsA]<name>|Rank (optional) Group color: ~[#696969]~(#696969) 18th of October 2020 in Germany, Bremen, a moment that changed the motor world and the world of many normal Workers who had the chance to work in the fastest growing car dealer. GamerZ was searching for a cheap car because he didnt get much money and he found many nice cars which are cheap because the owners didnt care for their car, then he had the idea to buy a car tune it, and sell it so he can buy a better one and do the same stuff, his first car was a sultan after he sold that he decided to throw his current job and make an own website where he repairs and sells cars. After some months he decided to move to San Andreas and make an Agency with more experience and here started this new era. Superior Customs of San Andreas (ScsA) opened only some days after he decided to make it, and he had already 2 workers or more than workers they were like friends, so he decided to make shadow the Business chief and kree the mechanic chief, and then he met acez who helped him a lot when it opened and he became also a worker, from now on the story will be in real-time and here is the start. We are a Roleplay group selling cars props and other luxurious objects but we are also mechanics which can repair and tune cars. Our roleplays can be: Buying cars Selling cars Repairing cars Selling other luxurious objects Selling Properties -1- Follow the F1 Rules/Saes rules -2- Always wear your tag if you are building a car or making a deal -3- Don't tell your clients Fake prices -4- Listen and be respectful to HQs -5- Don't be rude to members and other SAES players Leader-[L] : @GamerZ450 Mechanice Chief-[MC]: @iAcez Buisness Chief-[BC]: @ShadowSpare Buissnessman : @Jizzy @Thamond @Skes Mechanic : @Kree Probationary-[P] : @aoxi @Villain @axel We are always buying new props pm me if you have one for us ::: Our Base Our Garage Mansion for our Workers if they don't have any work to do ::: First Step > Find a member and show him the prop/car Second Step > Agree on a price for the prop/car Third Step > If both agreed to make the deal and give the member the prop (pls take a screenshot when you give it to him) Fourth Step > When he sells the prop he gives you the price that you agreed on and he get the money that left. You can apply on our discord server just follow the steps in #how-to-apply Discord channel: https://discord.gg/6jWW9GQ7Wd
  15. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 30 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? since I got them and 1 is from juni Why do you need this change? Because I am going to create a group Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/27911/donation-gamerz450-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/27827/donation-gamerz450-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24418/donation-gamerz450-amount-10-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/27157/reward-change-gamerz450 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Shamals Location: LS-LV-SF Airports Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Jester (with camo wrap) Location: Lv Weapon Storage Username: GamerZ450 Vehicle 2: Statrum Location: Lv Weapon Storage Username: GamerZ450 Vehicle 3: Stretch Location: Lv Weapon Storage Username: GamerZ450
  16. Event # 22 Personal Event # 2 Type: Last player alive Host(s): @Filex Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner: @M7mDGr7 ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/gnxGMj2n
  17. Event # 21 Personal Event # 1 Type: Fastest Suicide Host(s): @Filex Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner: @PticoF ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/bSdzbN5c
  18. Patrol # 2055 Personal Patrol # 6 Participants: @GamerZ450 Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 20:55 > 21:35 = 40 Minutes ScreenShots: https://i.postimg.cc/HnBxwZ0W/mta-screen-2021-08-04-22-09-57.png
  19. Sold infamerer to kree can be archived
  20. never mind continue bidding he dont have enough money (1 day)
  21. Remp won the Auction he just have to answer ingame
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