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Everything posted by GamerZ

  1. ^[Hi Thanks for reading my Activity Topic, here I will post all of my Activities and Roleplays.] ^[Hi, I am ~[GamerZ]~(824135), I am ~[13 years old]~(824135) and I am ~[from Tunisia but I Live in Germany]~(824135) I can speak some ~[Arabic, German and English.]~(824135)] ^[My Hobbies are ~[Gaming, learning new abilities and I like technology]~(824135).] ^[I Joined Saes in ~[October 2020]~(824135) I don't know the exact day but it was between 5-17th October.] ^[Currently, I am a member of ~[Federal Bureau Investigations]~(824135) but my ~[previous Organizations are RF, M, MIT, and UE]~(824135).] ^[I was ~[inactive]~(824135) for a long time (~[from 2021 March to June]~(824135)) but since I came back I did improve myself and now got to the ~[skills]~(824135) I had before I went inactive and even more.] ![Patrol Banner](https://i.imgur.com/M3vRIqz.png) ![Footer](https://i.imgur.com/cH73R.png) **Activity Type:** **Participants:** **Duration:** **Screenshot(s):** ![Footer](https://i.imgur.com/cH73R.png) ![Roleplay Banner](https://i.imgur.com/IDveKy7.png) ![Footer](https://i.imgur.com/cH73R.png) **Roleplay Title:** **Participants:** **Story and Screenshots:** ![Footer](https://i.imgur.com/cH73R.png)
  2. can be closed, made a deal with Shadow
  3. Team
  4. Outside
  5. Starting Bid: 1.000.000 $ Min Bid Increase: 100.000 $ Screenshots:
  6. Starting Bid: 1.000.000 $ Min Bid Increase: 100.000 $ Screenshots:
  7. Starting Bid: 1.000.000 $ Min Bid increase: 100.000 $ Screenshots:
  8. Address: 15 Blueberry Apartments Account name: MrChurmure Last seen: 22nd June 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/fo76YfU
  9. Closing/Canceling, Price is 1mi | Can be archived
  10. Your ingame username: GamerZ450 Your ingame alias: GamerZ | G.M.R.Z Your year of birth: 2007 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Germany How long you have been playing SAES: for almost a year Qualities you can offer: I am a friendly player who is always trying to do his best to reach something. Your weaknesses: sometimes I do more than I can do and this can lead to a fail. Do you have Discord Installed: For Sure Reason for application: I want to help new players and also old players on every way. Server Memberships: BRINKS All Loading Trucks Federal Bureau Investigation San Andreas Medics Additional information: Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I Had 2 Adminjails when I didn't really understand the rules but now I would easily avoid these mistakes. Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A and I hope it stays like this.
  11. 1mil ;)
  12. The Group is now just a week old, and it already have to close. Thanks to everyone who helped and a special thank to @iAcez and @ShadowSpare for their support.
  13. Any Saha can write here if it can be used as a Base?
  14. Sold, ingame for 2.000.000 $ || Can be archived
  15. Starting Bid: 500.000 $ Screenshots: ::: :::
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