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Everything posted by DAIn

  1. Dear Mr. @readal Try to hang with us
  2. STAGE I. STAGE I. In-game nickname:Reus In-game username:Karamani Age:17 Languages spoken:English-French-Arabic Gender: Rate your english skills (1-10):7.5 STAGE II. Tell us about yourself:Hello Iam Omar My name ingameI am a skilled and active player and I will make my best to make the media archive active my RPs and events and I am loyal Why should we accept you?:I am a skilled and active player I will make my best to make the media archive active Previous punishment(s):N/A Reason(s):N/A Rate your driving skills (1-10):9/10
  3. Yeh good idea
  4. Location: LS docks Start: 10M Income: 6k Next to modshop Screenshots: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  5. Ramadhan mubarak
  6. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS/G6: @Star Prize: $1,000,000 Type: Rhino shooter Location: BC Winner(S): @Marsello ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/USH0rEs
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