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Everything posted by DAIn

  1. HBD bro
  2. Done
  3. Ingame name :Reus Username: Karamani Country of Residence and Nationality: Tunisia Nationality Sousse. Spoken Languages: Arabic/French/English. Age: 17 year old Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I started playing SAES 2017 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: MI-6: I left cause there is a lot of inactive members also little activity ICE: I decided to left the cop side forever and join criminal life for some activity. UE: I have kicked because I did avoid arrest. BBMC: I left because of disrespectful Members. CDC: I left because there was a member who bugged the safes on bank robbery and HQs though it's me I got warning So I decided to leave also I have screens about this member who bugged them. UE: I left Because I did fight with member and you cant do IC with (Z-O) I was bored and I decided to Join OC. OC: I have kicked because i help someone as 176[OC HELPER ] to join the gang . Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hello there! my full name is Omar Karamani, I'm 17 years old I'm from Tunisia Nationality Sousse and my ingame name in game is Reus. I like football and I love playing video games. I'm loyal person and patient also im respectful and I have a good experience from other gangs that mean I can use them to help THC also i can help every member an being respectful dosent matter what rank they are ,and i will be more active ,helping on turfs bank robs saving my gang members from the jail Helping Wanna be and hoppers as teaching them ofc when im free ect.and i think what are THC looking for if i'm not wrong. Well, I really would like to help in every single activity, I have some roleplay skills in addition, i'm active in the server, i can easily do many events, even though, I'll work more on getting my reputation & attitude better than enough & the current one. Either way, I feel like The Company is a real family, that's why I wanna join & have some fun. Anyways, I hope the best of luck to all of your members & HQ team.
  4. GJ guys OC WTF!!!!!
  5. HBD bro
  6. HBD @Mrwan
  7. HBD bro
  8. HBD bro
  9. HBD @TameR
  10. Starting Price: 30.000.000$ ::: :::
  11. Good luck guys
  12. In-game name:Reus Account name:Karamani Age:17 years old Gender:Male Country of residency:Tunisia From how long are you playing SAES: 3 Years Since when are you playing GTA:SA: 3 years How well do you speak English?:7.5/10 What all languages can you speak other than English?:Arabe,french Tell us something about yourself:Hello Iam Omar ,Iam 16 years, i life in sousse . My name ingame:Reus I from Tunisian . old I like videogimes and GTA SA. List few of your strengths and weaknesses: -Strengths : driving -flying -weaknesses: LAG Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them:DZTG dead Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why? NO Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: I like this group and I am interested to join it. What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: I will make my best to make the media archive active my RPs and events and I am loyal. What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell? I hope to find new friends and have fun together with me this group Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?:Yes Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?: @Tapi @Rainy What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?:Eat till you say, "No please".
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