Dear applicants, Firstly, we would like to thank you guys for your interests in joining our gang. The High Council and Board of Directors presents you the application results of the 6th of June 2018. After a long discussion in the High Council, we have decided the following results. @Bosk & @GiorgosGRN, Like said before, we do appreciate your interests for The Company, however our High Council (HQ) Team have their doubts about you. Your application goes -=(red)Denied=-. But if you still have interests, feel free to apply after 2 weeks starting from today and ofcourse, make sure to keep hanging around with our members (while using the 203| tags so we know that you're an applicant). @iBrooks, After a long talk with you by a few members of The Company, our members seem positive about you and you proved us that you're worth being a member of the gang. However you will still need to hang with our members in order to become part of the gang. Your application goes 'under review'. Your result will be given within these days. Keep up the good work! If you are denied, do not feel demotivated and keep hanging to prove us that you are worth it. Being denied is a second opportunity, not a failure. We wish all the applicants good luck in their careers. Yours sincerely, Swiggity Sub Leader The Company