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frncsthegreater's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Application Format Nickname: FrncsTheGreater Age: 19 Country: Chile Languages spoken: Spanish and english From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8-9 How long have you been playing on SAES: One year and half, maybe 2 years. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins is a gang of renowned arms dealers that started toe-to-toe with other small gangs until they eclipsed everyone else and now they are the biggest gang in all SAES. They do many other activities, but they are best known for gun dealing. Previous clans: None Previous bans: None Name 3 BR rules: -Do not BR alone -Gangs can only BR twice a day -Do not DM fellow robbers Name 3 GR rules: -Do not use grenades for any reason -Do not GR a gang if they are on a BR -Do not block the safe with cars during GR Name 3 Turf rules: -Do not climb unclimbable rooftops (e.g. using choppers or drugs, it must be climbable on foot) -DM between rival gangs is allowed, but the enemy must be in the turf war zone -It is forbidden to spawn as a cop or emergency teams to assist if you form part of one of the rival gangs What is roleplay?: Roleplay is playing like in real life with your character What is Deathmatch: Killing another player with no reason Someone Deathmatch you. What do you do?: Report immediately You are passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Let them be unless a gang member is in danger of death or capture Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Nope, tried several times though Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Hello, my name is Francis and I am from Chile. My personality is very versatile, I can be joking and in the next split second be serious if the situation requires it. I want to form part of this gang because I like to roleplay as an arms dealer, and when I looked for gangs that did that type of stuff, this one was the most convincing among other gangs. I am obedient and a fine marksman (I have always loved sniper rifles, sniping and assault rifles, specially the M4, I have also manipulated several types of weapons in real life, but sadly that kind of skills are not used here) and driver and also a good pilot, but there is always room for further improvement, that is why I want to learn from this gang and be a contributing member. I also want to deepen in crime, because store robberies and dealing alone is kind of boring. If you want to ask, I have not applied before because I thought that in-game account was the same as the online account and believed that the account was bugged or something like that because I could not log in here, but now I found out that they were different and the first thing I wanted to do was to join the Arms Assassins and improve in criminal activities. By now I am very active on this game and I have entered to college this year, but is a career that I love (History teacher) and it is not difficult at all for me. Hoping to be a fit candidate and join this family, thank you for reading.
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