Ingame name: 215|CrisTo Ingame username: SlamaCrisTo Previous organizations and leaving causes: None Define Underground Empire: It's an organized crime syndicate with high society businessman.. they also have multiples jobs like selling weapons and drugs also trafficking money making contract like killing and robbing, that makes Underground Empire a different organization than the others.That's why it's the richest organisation on saes also these jobs makes them more rich. What binds you with Underground Empire: I have many friends in this gang and they teachs me so much things and i decided that Underground Empire is a gang full of legendary people so that's why i want to be in this gang.I know there is more gangs but i notices that is the gang for me and i can do my best to help and to fight for it. What do you know about organized crime:Organized crime is when some team, with their leader, which is last word does the job, Usually is that happening in criminal because of money making. For any action you want to do first u need toget rid of your close people ,also training is the most important thing because without training you will end up with a deafeat and that's why you should have the job done with evidence as possible and witnesses.