Ingame name: DonneL Acount name: rayensolo123 Nationality: Tunisien Age:16 English Proficiency: 6.5/10 How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: 1 or 2 years Other groups: N/A Current organization:i was In NavM and now i will appled to The Outfit What does roleplaying mean: RP is acting like real life Why do you want to join us: i liked this group idea and i thought this group gonna be one of the best groups in saes What can you bring to Rooftop Korean: the good things only and im gonna try to recruit some of my freinds Who are Rooftop Korean: korean ppl who are defending their stores and they puted hand on hand to defend their stores Do you have any friends in Rooftop Korean: yes @Skes @rabyewiw @Gyula @Gladius @Lincoln @Ram Did you hanged already with any Rooftop Korean: i hang a little bit with @Skes Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler :