Game name: 215|LoOopa ingame Username: azerty17 Previous Organizations and Reasons for Leaving: Previous organization: cripz* ThC *lunas Leaving Reasons: Cripz:lleft I have problems together members ThC:left I was threatened kicked Lunas:left Gang inactive for a whole day I'm walking around alone Define Underground Empire:Definition of the Secret Empire: Founded on June 23, 1886.3 Men - John Dixon, Edward MacFarlane and Judah Davis were former soldiers of the Confederacy, and they began to make money by trading weapons and drugs of all kinds, and through their successful trade, They bought casinos and all of this made a lot of money What connects you with Underground Empire: I like the criminal side and ue is an active gang and has prestige in saesrpj and I have a friend Oussama I want to join him in gang What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is an organization run by criminals who act collectively and whose main activities are theft, murder, extortion, bribery of policemen, money laundering, threat or intimidation and force to protect its activities