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QieZZ last won the day on March 30

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About QieZZ

  • Birthday 13/05/2003

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  1. In-game Name: qiezz Account username: pete2011 Age: 21 Joined the server on (Date): 2011 Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): I have the first topic on archive.saesrpg.uk and there but can't find. DISCORD now. Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: I have lots of ideas for new events. My favorites are red light green - from the squid game, or for example a 1x1 race, on the bridge, whoever falls into the water, you lose. I really want to do an event like PUBG, anything to do with moto jumping aka Parkour, including racing, parkour, catch up. I can say a lot of things, but it's better to show it in practice.. Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: The Secret Circle Company. Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": I don't have to follow everyone else, but have my own imagination and creativity in creating events. They should be unique and with an approach to what the players like. There should be no misunderstandings and no problems at the events. Players should have fun, they should enjoy these events, and when I do them with a lws member, that's what happens. Uniqueness, quality and fun. Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I've been trying to get into this group for quite some time, I've enjoyed doing events for a long time. I think I have about 120+ events under my belt, but I always have to go inactive because of the rockets. I want to join in order to show really good events, communication and fun. Uniqueness, quality and fun. Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: NO State something briefly about yourself: My name is Petro, i'm 21 years old, from Ukraine. Basically I'm working, always, every day. Day after day, I work out at the gym. When the War started in my country, I started to help military and civilians, I volunteer. I don't have time for other games, I like to play SAES in the evenings, but I don't always have enough time for that. I like to smoke weed and have a good time on SAES with my guys from Secret Circle and not only.
  2. А не пошли бы вы нахуй, с такими результатами, уроды ебаные? С днем рождения меня 🙂
  3. Event Number: #33 Date: 31/03/2024 Event type: knock off nrg Hoster(s): @Leonard Winner(s): @DoubleBuFF Prize: $1,000,000 Screenshot(s):
  4. Event Number: #32 Date: 31/03/2024 Event type: knock off nrg Hoster(s): @Leonard Winner(s): @Stalin @Dinaz @Crossma Prize: $1,500,000 Screenshot(s):
  5. Event Number: #31 Date: 30/03/2024 Event type: lms (with healing) Hoster(s): @Dinaz Winner(s): @PsyGhost Prize: $1,000,000 Screenshot(s):
  6. Event Number: #30 Date: 30/03/2024 Event type: Parajumping Hoster(s): @Dinaz Winner(s): @Niklaus Prize: $1,000,000 Screenshot(s):
  7. Event Number: #29 Date: 30/03/2024 Event type: Leap Of Faith Hoster(s): @Dinaz Winner(s): @Phrost Prize: $1,000,000 Screenshot(s):
  8. Event Number: #28 Date: 29/03/2024 Event type: Knock out nrg 500 (3 rounds) Hoster(s): @Dinaz Winner(s): @tryhard @Hari @fantic Prize: $1,500,000 Screenshot(s):
  9. Event Number: #27 Date: 29/03/2024 Event type: LMS Hoster(s): @Element Winner(s): @Ban Prize: $10,000,000 Screenshot(s):
  10. Event Number: #26 Date: 29/03/2024 Event type: Car show 1,2,3 Hoster(s): @Leonard Winner(s): @BurakO @Rainy @Lazar Prize: $1,500,000 Screenshot(s):
  11. Event Number: #25 Date: 29/03/2024 Event type: Marathon Hoster(s): @Leonard Winner(s): @Sicario Prize: $1,000,000 Screenshot(s):
  12. Event Number: #23 Date: 29/03/2024 Event type: Knock Out NRG-500 (3 rounds) Hoster(s): @Leonard Winner(s): @shikomaru @Wegz Prize: $1,500,000 (3 rounds) Screenshot(s):
  13. Event Number: #22 Date: 28/03/2024 Event type: Knock Out NRG-500 (1 round) Hoster(s): @IIThundeRII Winner(s): @flappy Prize: $500,000 (1 round) Screenshot(s):
  14. Event Number: #21 Date: 28/03/2024 Event type: Knock Out NRG-500 (2 rounds) Hoster(s): @IIThundeRII Winner(s): @Curvy @Dinaz Prize: $1,000,000 (2 rounds) Screenshot(s):
  15. Event Number: #20 Date: 28/03/2024 Event type: Car Derby Hoster(s): @Leonard Winner(s): @Silva471 Prize: $1,000,000 Screenshot(s):
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