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  1. Eden Initiative versus Global Trust?
  2. Happy birthday cunt
  3. Have you tried playing in windowed mode or lower resolution yet? Snoop around a bit in your MTA settings, turning certain stuff on or off. And are you experiencing lower FPS in certain areas in-game or just overall? Because places with a lot of cars may cause lower FPS
  4. Nice work! Looking forward to see awesome DE stuff ^^
  5. @Funstein who dis, u not the funstein I know @iStar exactly, I didn't understand that a few years back either, now I do. Happy to see some old faces around too! @everyone else: thanks! Good to see you guys
  6. So, hi. Some people may know me, some may not. This is mainly for the people who know me. I'm back, sort of. I've been visiting a few times already, with each visit increasing my activity. I'll be assisting Rebels MC in getting back to where it was a few years ago and who knows I might become super mega active again. You might see me frequently, you might not. Depends on how much spare time I have. Hit me up on discord if you need me, I'll try to check that daily. And just to be clear: I'm not Rabbit, the Ex leader of FBI. You may know me as ex-HQ of FBI tho
  7. Lots of love <3
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