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Everything posted by Kaioshin

  1. @Samuel3021 Lord ???
  2. @Canelas Happy B. Day bro, keep focus on legatos and alternate sweeps :))
  3. @mystic Congratulations! Your application has been ~~[[ACCEPTED.]]~(lime)~ Meet me or any member from the B~B HQ team in-game for your tests/invitation! @Cheer Thank you for your interest. Your applications are currently ~[Under-Review.]~(orange) Keep hanging around camels and we will get back to you soon. [Black~Bullets. HQ Team]
  4. @Shaggyy After discussing with camels we are sorry to inform you that your application goes ~[DENIED]~(red,red) this time. you may re-apply in 2 weeks from now.You should be a little more active and take care to hang out with our members @Blackyy Thank you for your interest again.but unfortunately we had to ~[DENIED]~(maroon) you, we are still not sure about you, you can try again in 2 weeks! @kiraa Thank you for your interest again.but unfortunately we had to ~[DENIED]~(maroon) you, we are still not sure about you, you may re-apply in 2 weeks from now [Black~Bullets. HQ Team]
  5. Happy Birthday @Zinyak @Zinyak02 @Ziny
  6. Happy B.day Hermano @Canserbero
  7. Happy birthday @RAMPAGE
  8. TXN ID: N/A @Brophy --> Getskillz Donation Amount: 10.00 (sorted by @Getskillz ) rewards you want;
  9. This is a manual post TXN ID: Event by @Brophy Donation Amount: 20.00 Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Kart Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: molasis Where you want it placed: Kebab Street2 Vehicle Type: Shamal Username to lock: molasis Where you want it placed: LVAP I also want to change my medium interior on "Kebab Street 2" to large interior, Madd Dogg's one. (As I have 50GBP donations now) For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  10. Guys thank you for all your good wishes<3 @Skinner @Lahuma @Zodiyac @nCovv @Cristian @Elegant @ColdPlay @FoxZilla @Versace @Ares @Kiraa @Capital @WenDo @Westbrook @alex0107 @posho @Rick
  11. Address: Small Shop Account name: omarharb Last seen: 13th Dec.2020 Screenshots: ::: https://i.imgur.com/Qr24brG.png :::
  12. Address: Mierda Corporation Account name: cahek23 Last seen: 9th november 2020 ::: https://i.imgur.com/irt1EeN.png :::
  13. https://imgur.com/kxTZODr
  14. Address: The cigar warehouse Account name: tacher Last seen: 15th octbr 2020 Screenshots:
  15. @Bartman Gimmi that prop. lol :dog:
  16. Address: hospital shack Account name: bartman Last seen: 24th september 2020. ::: :::
  17. Address: 7 Grove street Account name: bartman Last seen: 24th september 2020. ::: :::
  18. Assisting @Outfit at LV Bank Robbery 09.21.2020 ::: :::
  19. Assisting @Los-Inkas at BC Bank Robbery 09.20.2020 ::: :::
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