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Posts posted by TimeForAChange1

  1. @Brophy said in The big flaws in SAES, time for a change.:

    I'm open to take questions or suggestions from members of the community (as long as I haven't already repeatedly answered them) so message me on #general in SAES discord or via DM (if you prefer private).

    Unfortunately, nobody will be beholden to burner accounts or faceless accusations.

    I'll leave the topic open for people who still want to "discuss", but I won't be following the topic..

    Hello, Its me again. Normally Id agree with you Brophy, responding to burner accounts is usually not something you should do but thats also because burner accounts usually post selfish topics or destructive topics but thats not me.

    Id like to think of my topic as the voice of the community, as youve seen Ive got quite a lot of support and you still chose to ignore that. I honestly find that appalling and should be a prime example of how much you actually care about SAES.

    You call what I say faceless accusations but this is literally what everybody is thinking and yet you still dont give a shit. It might not be the face of one but it is the face of many

    If you dont want to respond to me specially then thats okay but why not do the community a favor and respond to them instead. I cant fathom that you would ignore so many people. I hope you realize your mistake in time.

    Side notes about peoples comments

    A few side notes, at least 50% of the comments are either redundant or then people have read a little section of my topic and then responded with something utterly counterproductive to my main point in the topic. What I suggested is not something that SHOULD be done, it was simply suggestions to get the process started. If anyone ever creates a topic like this again, then Im talking to that 50%. Please do us all a favor and dont respond unless youve read the whole topic. If you want to talk about a third thing then make a new topic. I think everyone can recognize these people so I wont point them out.


    I dont really have anything else to say than this. SAES will continue down its path of bullshit and bias if nothing is changed. I could probably fit a lot more adjectives into that sentence but thats not necessary to get the point across. The clan will continue to do as they see fit without much regard for the quality of the server and Brophy will do what he does best, sit back and let the server continue as is, just so he can keep the money flowing without any inconvenience.

    Yours truly, a now unhopeful SAES player.

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