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About Everlast

  • Birthday 27/06/2000

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Type Of Activity: RolePlay Date: 24-02-2025 Participants: @Everlast Duration: 5 min Story: Quick evaluation of the Truck tire pressure and general condition before starting the deliver, correct attachment of the motorcycles on the trailer. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GuYNAQ8
  2. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 24-02-2025 Participants: @Everlast Duration: 30 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1JcE9s8
  3. Address: Cat Corporation Account name: khaled0099 Last seen: 5th November 2023 Screenshots:
  4. Congratulations lads
  5. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: pedrod Your ingame alias: Everlast Your real name: Pedro Meireles Your DOB: 27/06/00 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Portuguese Country of residence: Portugal Language skills: Portuguese, English and Spanish English Proficiency: I would rate it an 8. How long you have been playing: I have been playing MTA since 2013, SAES being my first server between others I have played since then, currently only playing SAES. Your strengths: I would consider myself a passive guy, as in, you'll hardly catch me in any kind of discussion with someone. I'm a very reachable person, therefore I'll always help anyone in need no matter what the matter is. Your weaknesses: I would say my strengths is my weaknesses, if that makes any sense, my point is, by being a easly reachable person that will always try to help anyone in need, people might try to just play me out to get something in return, like it has happened before, either in-game or in real life. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: Honestly, I have never applied for CS in SAES, so why not now? I know there are better, more active and qualified people for the CS job that have applied. However I have experience in being administrator in a RPG server which might be seen as an advantage regarding the rest above. I like to help people in need in-game, and that's what I would like to be doing to improve everyone's game play. Unique qualities you can offer: Like I have stated in the previous question, I've been HQ admin in a smaller community, also an RPG server, certainly most of the admin team will know which server I'm refering to, doesn't matter, my point is: I can bring experience and knowledge from my time away from SAES. I have learnt from mistakes I have done in the server in question which obviously I won't be repeating here, therefore I'll be a consistent staff member if that chance is given. And obviously, like the Community Staff position mainly requires I'll be helping as much new players as old players in anything they need. Although, I'll prefereble give my attention first to newly coming players, because as I have learnt from the other community that's the best way to "secure" a player in the server which if the deserved attention is given, certainly he'll have friends that will join later on aswell, bringing more players to the server. Server Memberships: The Outfit Lynchpin, RaceTECH & ALT Additional information: Sorry for calling Brophy a "grandad"... Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have been AdminJailed before, mostly for DMing few years back. Nothing on the record recently. Previous (legitimate) bans: Being part of the Admin Team in another RPG server (banned around 2019, unbanned in August 2020 after appealing).
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