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Black Sabbath

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Black Sabbath's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I was in ZIP as architect and I have been away for nearly 3-4 years and almost 1 month ago came back to SAES permanently for long time. My old nickname was EhulAcaip. username: fhashist
  2. Applicant Main Information : - Nickname : BlackSabbath - Username : fhashist - Age : 21 / 03.03.1999 - Nationality : Turkish - Languages you can speak : Turkish as main language and secondary is English. Player SAES Career Information : - Dow long have you been playing on SAES? : I've played nearly 7-8 years, my old nickname was EhulAcaip, I was a designer and I've designed signatures and gang logos, banners etc. to all players in SAES. I left SAES almost 3-4 years ago. - Ho you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : I've been in B~B, Rebels MC, SoA, Organization Zero, FBI, SAPA etc. - If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : I really do not remember for what reasons I left them or got kicked, almost 3-4 years have passed since last time I've been in SAES. - Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Oh, I remember one, I don't remember the reason clearly why I got banned but I guess I stole my best friend's money lold, after that he forgave me and I don't remember any others if i have. - What groups are you currently part of ? : I was in LWS, ZIP, SAP, SAFD, Brothers of Metal, HLS, and there was a group about Taxi, can't remember it's name. But after those years with inacivity I've got kicked from all of them. Personality Information : - What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I have more than 7-8 years experiences and I know all the rules in the SAES which is more important thing for me in this game. - Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets kill people in return money and they are assasins that have modern weapons and modern appearance. - Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Mhm. The last time when I played SAES, I was in Black Bullets and I was really happy in this gang according to others and there was a family warmth in this gang, I think these reasons brought me here. - Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : I know a few person, no no one did. - Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : I have just saw my old screenshots when I was in black bullets family, wanted to share them which including my dildo kills lol <spoiler> These are from 2014 6/7 https://i.hizliresim.com/KNV4II.png https://i.hizliresim.com/jiWGfn.png https://i.hizliresim.com/4zv67x.png https://i.hizliresim.com/85xj60.png https://i.hizliresim.com/mndWVc.png </spoiler>
  3. Applicant Main Information : - Nickname : BlackSabbath - Username : fhashist - Age : 21 / 03.03.1999 - Nationality : Turkish - Languages you can speak : Turkish as main language and secondary is English. Player SAES Career Information : - Dow long have you been playing on SAES? : I've played nearly 7-8 years, my old nickname was EhulAcaip, I was a designer and I've designed signatures and gang logos, banners etc. to all players in SAES. I left SAES almost 3-4 years ago and three or four days ago I decided to come back. - Ho you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : I've been in B~B, Rebels MC, SoA, Organization Zero, FBI, SAPA etc. - If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : I really do not remember for what reasons I left them or got kicked, almost 3-4 years have passed since last time I've been in SAES. - Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Oh, I remember one, I don't remember the reason clearly why I got banned but I guess I stole my best friend's money lold, after that he forgave me and I don't remember any others if i have. - What groups are you currently part of ? : I was in LWS, ZIP, SAP, SAFD, Brothers of Metal, HLS, and there was a group about Taxi, can't remember it's name. But after those years with inacivity I've got kicked from all of them. Personality Information : - What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I have more than 7-8 years experiences and I know all the rules in the SAES which is more important thing for me in this game. - Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets kill people in return money and they are assasins that have modern weapons and modern appearance. - Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Mhm. The last time when I played SAES, I was in Black Bullets and I was really happy in this gang according to others and there was a family warmth in this gang, I think these reasons brought me here. - Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : I remember Elyeso, Ecko and I knew ESO he was HQ of B~B, I don't know is he still here or still active on SAES but I knew him, I don't know the new members (last 3-4 years) in the game. - Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : My name is Yunus Emre, living in Ankara / Turkey and I'm working in Ministry of Justice, Project Office and these are my last words nothing came to my mind, have a good day!
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