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Everything posted by Jdon

  1. Patrolling : #N10 Date : 07/03/2022 CubanCars Member(s) : @Judyes Duration : 30 min F12s : [s=]
  2. RolePlay : #N15 Date : 14/02/2022 Participant(s) : @Judyes Story : Once upon a time i had customer who had a " Bullet" . He was passing by to our garage at least once a month with slow leaks because he bought the awful and cheap Chinese wheels and never avoided potholes (skinny 30-series tires, + weak aluminum = square wheels with bent rims). i was constantly repairing his rims trying to get them to stop leaking (they weighed at least 80 lbs by the way and NOBODY wanted to work on them. Removing and mounting skinny tires is the absolute worst. It usually takes two or three people just to get them mounted). To make these massive rims fit i had to use a lift kit, but was too cheap to buy the extended shocks and just bought the springs. One day i was jacking up the front of his car to repair a wheel when BANG something broke. After our hearts started beating again i looked under the car...the shock shaft had sheared in half. After however many miles of being stretched way past its limits, the stock strut had snapped. Luckily it was the front, which is a factory coilover, so the spring kept the shock from flying out and killing someone. Lucky for him it happened when i was working on it instead of when he hit another pothole. Otherwise he'd probably have won a Darwin Award." F12s : [s=]
  3. Patrolling : #N9 Date : 14/02/2022 CubanCars Member(s) : @beauty Duration : 35 mins F12s : [s=]
  4. RolePlay : #N14 Date : 04/02/2022 Participant(s) : @TITCH Story : ~[Friday 27/11/2017 : 13.30 PM..]~(red) I had a man in his early forties came in complaining of a severe vibration and clunking coming from the front of his car. During the walk around I noticed that his driver's side front wheel was a full-size spare, only being held on by ONE lug nut, and was missing 3 of the five studs. I asked him about it and he told me that he'd had a flat 2 months earlier on that wheel and that his son had changed it for him. I told him that this was most likely his problem, but that it would need to be addressed even if there was something else causing the vibration. I asked him if he wanted the flat repaired while were at it and he said "sure." So after cheking out , i fount out that 3 of the studs were sheared off at the outside of the wheel and the only one with a nut was cross-threaded and would need to be replaced as well. On top of that the lower ball joint was shot, probably contributing to the problem. The flat tire was nowhere to be found in the car. I did a full evaluation on the car and there were a few other issues, but nothing that would render the car undriveable. It was OUR GARAGE's policy to bring all known issues to the customer's attention and provide them with a rundown of the associated costs. I went through everything with the guy, who had waited patiently at the garage, explaining VERY clearly that the 4 lug nuts absolutely needed to be replaced, the ball joint should be addressed, everything else should be taken care of as soon as possible. Completely straight-faced ,he looked at me dead in the eye and asks "So when do you think you'll have to fix it?" I'm sure my face showed a mixture of horror and confusion at this question, but I calmly replied "Today. And when i was done fixing all the car's issues i made sure to test if everything is okay and undoubtly the car is absolutely fine. So i waited for the guy to thank me for my work and pay me the costs ,And unexpectedly he took a loaded gun from his pocket and put him in front of my face , took all money i gained today from the garage's coffer and ran away with his car. F12s : [s=]
  5. RolePlay : #N13 Date : 02/02/2022 Participant(s) : @Judyes Story : A few months back, in the middle of a busy day, a man came in with his car, a classic rock music was blasting on the radio, got out leaving his can of Coke in the cupholder, and then he approached me complaining from a very foul odor coming from interior. Mind you, this was the peak of summer, about a 90deg fahrenheit day. i sat next to the car thinking, 'hmmm , defective catalytic converter...?' Nope. The smell began to woft through the entire garage. It smelled like death. The car was otherwise clean inside. I continued to look around but to no avail Looked under the middle row seat and found a POUND OF HAMBURGER?! jammed underneath, with an expiration date of about 3 months prior. With live maggots protruding out of the packaging. The guy looked extremely embarassed and couldn't even gave a word , he was speechless but then one word came out from his mouth " I'm really sorry". I couldn't eat a hamburger for like 6 months after that." F12s : [s=]
  6. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30185/donation-point-balance-jdon When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? N/A Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle : super-gt Location : Ellie goulden store (LVX) Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle : Super-gt Location : Ill Bills Psycho Logical Records Corp (LS)
  7. RolePlay : #N12 Date : 30/01/2022 Participant(s) : N/A Story : I got myself stuck under an old car, the repair of which I've been postponing for as long as i could've. It was in my garage for 3 weeks in total, and because i had no other cars to repair at the moment, I had no excuse but to pull my sleeves up and go to work.,It was an old Feltzer , one of the earliest cars in san andreas. The transmission was so hard to handle one could hardly even call it manual, and the steering wheel was so hard to move you damn sure needed all the vodka shots you had drunk.Surprisingly enough, the car wasn't rusty much. Less than most newer ones, actually.I never handled such a car before so i started off slow and decided to dismantle just about everything i could. I was interested in how it all works.I began unscrewing the parts one by one, slowly placing them on the floor. I pulled on the transmission and tried removing it, but apparently forgot to unscrew one of the screws holding it in place. I forced it off, but in going so, shattered a pipe right above me.I wasn't wearing any safety glasses as per usual, of course, and when a green liquid came oozing out of the broken pipe some dripped directly into my eye. It burned like hell, I couldn't even open the other eye of mine and thanks to these touch-screen phones, I couldn't even blindly type in 911. F12s : [s=]
  8. RolePlay : #N11 Date : 30/01/2022 Participant(s) : @Fyrr Story : Around one week ago, while i was waiting for costumers , finally a guy showed up, he was passing by our garage looking for help, his car suddenly started beeping. he first thought the beeping was part of the song that was on the radio, but it wasnt. ,The beeping would last for a couple of seconds and then it would repeat after 10 minutes. Soon, he would hear the beeping every 2 minutes. I pulled over and started inspecting. No red lights and errors on the dashboard, no any obvious indications of the problem. So, i opened all the doors including the trunk, and closed them again, to make sure they are really closed. And, the culprit was revealed! The system was reporting that the trunk door was still open, even though it was closed. The red light flashed. And it was annoying.. after that we had a brief conversation , the costumer had let me know again what the problem is and i told him the thing is about the parking sensors. i fixed them after it took me 3 hours and we had agreed on the price, and then the costumer went back home blissful. F12s : [s=]
  9. Happy birthday
  10. RolePlay : #N10 Date : 27/01/2022 Participant(s) : @joakito Story : I woke up at 5 AM in the morning , brushed my teeth , had breakfast and then i arrived early at San Fierro garage, because i was wondering if i could meet some others of my co-workers, but sadly that didn't happened,after checking out the calendar, i saw that i will be standing a full day alone in the garage, so i knew certainly it was going to be a pretty dull day. So i sorted everything (tools, documents) and did some maintenaince & cleaning & computer work, when i was sitting in the office-chair, Suddenly i saw some lights coming up from the outside , so i immediately went out to take a look, i saw a car driving up straight to me, it had a bizzare smell, and the hood was smoking, so i had in my mind: Fuc* ,this could be a pretty tough job. after the costumer brought his car into the garage, i immediately brought my tools to verify what's going on and to check out the reason of the black smoke that was coming out from his hood and then nothing clear had been shown. After taking a deep look at the problem, the mess had been appeared .. Usually, the more information i have the better, and in this case all i knew was car overheats won't start and when i've popped the hood the source of the problems was instantly clear, a short to ground had fried the alternator terminals , they looked like burnt marshmallows. I'm glad i got to the garage earlier than usual before the problem got any worse for the costumer. Especially with cars there's a saying : " when there's smoke, there's fire." poor lad could have had a blowout at any moment , I told him to save his luck for the casino. Still, I gotta do what i gotta do to get my customers happy and prevent them from danger, That's my job.. F12s : [s=]
  11. Patrolling : #N8 Date : 27/01/2022 CubanCars Member(s) : @Riley Duration : 50 mins F12s : [s=]
  12. @toteking233 meet me ingame to claim the property
  13. RolePlay : #N9 Date : 25/01/2022 Participant(s) : @KaKi Story : Another day of work in my garage in LV. My first customer was a trucker from ALT , who came there with a truck that is in very bad condition. it is always wise to do a few basic checks before the customer head out for a road trip from las venturas to whetstone. First i checked his alignment on the front wheels but found nothing. nevertheless this truck 3A are like an onion: you have to peel back the layers to get to what you need. Alternator swaps are usually straightforward, but the job on this truck took over four hours. It's buried at the bottom of the transversely-mounted engine, so I had to take off the front right wheel, get the brake out of the way, shift the suspension, pull out the drive axle, and move some fuel lines and heat shielding to access it. Then I had to wrestle the alternator through a tiny gap to get it out of the truck. At least the charging problems were fixed once I was done. Then the customer checked if everything is ok, and when he realized it, he came and paid me for my work and he had also appreciated my dedication for this hard mission. F12s : [s=]
  14. RolePlay : #N8 Date : 23/01/2022 Participant(s) : @Youssef-1 Story : It was the end of the day in Cuban Cars garage, while i was closing the garage an arms assassins (BB) guy came in a rush to fix his damaged car, he was heading to the airport to travel and his car stopped working suddenly, so he told me to help him, I opened the garage again to fix his car, so i went to the motor place, i found it dead for that i removed it and replaced it with new motor, but the car hadn't started up once more. So as always , thanks to my love for the work and my determination i realised one other thing. Changing a car's oil and oil filter is supposed to be easy, as a seasoned technicians could do it in their sleep. Usually the filter unscrews by hand or with a wrench, but whoever installed the filter forgot to lubricate the gasket, and it felt like it was glued to the engine. I had to punch through it with screwdrivers to get enough grip. By the time I finished I was covered in oil. It's the simplest mistakes that cause the biggest problems. And due to my capabilties to figure out the hardest issues i always make clients cheerful , no matter what, i always put a smile on their faces, So Mr Youssef thanked me a lot for being kind and cooperative and he went quickly to the airport. F12s : [s=]
  15. Starting Bid: $2.000.000 Minimum bid increase : 1.000.000$
  16. Date: 21/01/2022 Event: LMS Total Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS: @baphomet Winners: @M7mDGr7 Screenshots : [s=]
  17. Date: 21/01/2022 Event: Kamikaze My Infernus Total Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS: @Aveyro Winners: @Kok Screenshots : [s=]
  18. Type Of Activity : Deliveries Date : 21/01/2022 Participants : @Jdon Screenshots : [s=]
  19. Best of luck @RedStar <3
  20. RolePlay : #N7 Date : 20/01/2022 Participant(s) : @Chezzy @TITCH Story : It was a nice Friday evening and i thought i could go home after finishing my work. But then a friend of mine called me urgently and he was really nervous. his Stratum needed a full programme service: oil change, spark plugs, brake fluid change Haldex clutch oil change, four new summer tires, etc. First I was mad because he would come at 23:25pm and it was 23:05pm and I knew I would not be able to make the car alone. Thankfully one of my co-workers "Chezzy" had also finished work and we started to make the service at full speed, checking the car for other damage (everything was ok) he worked at two tyre machines, and also was changing the fluids, and i was taking care of the Offboard Diagnosis and cleaning the car from inside. We were half way through but the customer arrived and first he was angry because the car wasnt ready, But then he saw how two people were working hard and he was impressed that we cared so much for him. So we were done 15 minutes later including cleaning the car. I was ready to hear the customer affront on me because the car wasnt ready, but instead he gave us each 25 bucks, because he was impressed how fast we worked! And after taking a shower, my co-worker and me were headed to the green bottle bar located in groove street , Los Santos and we bought nice cold beers to fresh ourselves after an exhausted work. F12s : [s=]
  21. Patrolling : #N7 Date : 20/01/2022 CubanCars Member(s) : @Anas_ @beauty @Youssef-1 Duration : 45 mins F12s : [s=]
  22. RolePlay : #N6 Date : 16/01/2022 Participant(s) : @kikas @PinkyyyTinkyyy Story : I decided to open the garage located in Las Venturas with the reason of supplying help to people with damaged vehicles, and with a quick repair. One of the clients whose name is "kikas" arrived with his partner "pinky" with a flawed vehicle in which he said he heard strange noises and his car was faster than normal. When i was checking the vehicle I saw that inside the engine structure there were wrappers, the engine was low in oil and the radiator was sparse. He said he check his car once or twice a year and that was one of the reasons. I filled it with the liquids and extracted the wrappers by wiping it completely. But this isn't the main problem cause it is more deeper than that , i'm seeing a dangerous car problem which is brake pads and rotors worn beyond belief. Most people are good about replacing pads when they start to squeal, but others keep driving until they can barely stop at a red light. I've seen rotors worn down to the vanes, or so rusted that they snapped off the carrier. A few times I've replaced pads worn past the metal backing so the piston was the braking surface. It's crazy how people play with their safety like that. F12s : [s=]
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