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  1. Happy Birthday
  2. Congratulations to all.
  3. Address: 18a Donut Road Account name: royalbreedx Last seen: 8th November Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nC7rSmv
  4. Address: Shakes Hideout Username: cahek23 Last seen: 9th November 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sIxcvmB
  5. Happy Birthday
  6. Address: A Robbing Scouse Cunt Stole This Account name: storex Last seen: 24th september 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/w5rw8EG ///////// done by @teddy
  7. In-game name: Simson Account Name: simson24 Nationality: Dutch Age: 22 English Proficiency: 8/10 How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: Started playing about 10 years ago and quit 7 years ago. Rejoined this year. Other groups: None sadly. Current organization: Black~Bullets What does roleplaying mean: It means you act like a character or group like how they would in real life. Why do you want to join us: Good idea since there no such group ingame. Besides that I would really like to join a group. What can you bring to Rooftop Korean: Good RP and ofcourse I will help anyone who needs help. Who are Rooftop Korean: Rooftop Korean fight for their stores, and when they are attacked by police or army they will fight to the death. Do you have any friends in Rooftop Korean: All the Dutchies ofcourse, and B~B members. Did you hanged already with any Rooftop Korean: Not yet but i will in the future. Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler: https://imgur.com/a/9VX0v2W
  8. Address: Trageds Private Brothel Account name: seattlewu Last seen: 21th September 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3em9ozu
  9. Gefeliciteerd
  10. Adress : Apartment 45 Lv Complexsouth Username : butonomri last seen : 18 August 2020 Screenshot : https://imgur.com/a/Zyr8Dgs
  11. Gefeliciteerd
  12. Address: Whetstone Cinema Account name: dyam98 Last seen: 13th August 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NepDigS
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