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  1. Your ingame username: febra Your ingame alias: [SWAT]JI6 Your real name: Aboud Your year of birth: 25/12/1995 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Tunisia Language skills: English, Arabic and a little french. English Proficiency: Good enough. How long you have been playing: Over 7 years. Your strengths: I'm smooth when it comes to dealing with multiple situations at the same time, I could handle them wisely and very well. Your weaknesses: Keyboard ghosting might tend to be an ass sometimes especially when flying but that's not a serious issue imo. Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): SAES, Community Staff. Teamspeak Installed: Yes, but who uses it anymore beside toker. Discord Installed: Yes. Do you frequently get involved on Discord: I've it installed on both phone and PC and i recall leaving notifications on. Reason for application: It feels good being a part of SAES clan, I think it's everyone's goal on the server and such a wonderful achievement for someone like me. Unique qualities you can offer: I could offer myself as a mature and experienced old player whos been on this bitch for a quite long time with a good profile and a decent behavior. I also have a good knowledge in lua..etc Server Memberships: All Load Trucking(Vice Leader), Desert Eagles(Ex HQ, Honorary member) ZIP and SWAT. Additional information: Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None so far. Previous (legitimate) bans: No, Please. Are you a muslim?: Yes, I've been charged with eight federal crimes and terrorism.
  2. Our Recruitment is currently closed, meanwhile you may keep updating your topics with activities until ALT HQ decides the possible candidates. Results will be out as soon as we are ready to announce them. So we appreciate patience. Thank you!
  3. Good News for our beloved Community and ALT Fans, All Load Trucking is now an Official Group. We have Managed to move ALT status from a Company to a group, although we are still a company under the group status, Which means you don't have to leave your current G/S In order to join us! Yes, You may still be in a gang or squad and have the chance to apply to All Load Trucking. A Flashback about All Load Trucking: All Load Trucking was founded in November 2010 by SAES>Tilong. Back then SAES server was a totally different world. There used to be more role plays than scripts. You and your group role played with others. All Load Trucking was no different. Our only means of income back then was deliveries. We have had some epic role plays back then. As time went on we earned our first skin job. Mechanics. We had to maintain our growing fleet of trucks somehow. Very quickly the word spread and we began to sign contracts with the squads and gangs of the server. About this time, "Trucking" finally came to be, and it was a dream for ALT and civilian truckers. From time to time, you may see an ALT member with the job tag <off>. This is to show that they are off duty and are enjoying a day off (even if that might mean there holding up a store). They still follow the rules and will roleplay when asked to. We Managed to survive as a company til Octobar, 8th 2018. This is the day ALT HQ decided to move forwards and let the whole community experience the civilian life and enjoy it. How To Apply to All Load Trucking: Our Recruitment Status is currently <OPEN>, Yet you'll be able to apply in a few days. So Visit ALT Application Center and prepare your application to have the opportunity to be within the first applicants when the rec is open. ALT Application Center (Read This well before posting an app) > https://saesrpg.uk/topic/635/alt-application-center/2 Then Post the application form found on the app center Here > https://saesrpg.uk/category/73/all-load-trucking All Load Trucking Main Topic > https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26/all-load-trucking-main-page Or visit our discord Channel to chill and keep in touch with us > https://discord.gg/mJXdMz On behalf of ALT HQ, We'd like to thank @Bone, without his help, we wouldn't have had the chance to reach this yours faithfully, JI6 In Name of ALT HQ Tilong Makelove Siddman Crash MrTheBank
  4. Hi
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