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Everything posted by A7mdRetired

  1. A7md is my nickname, I know that many people here can not read or spell my name, since it contain number 7, well, let me explain what number seven means...It is Arabic but in a special way called Franco, In short, the number seven in the Franco means "H". So you can call me Ahmed, and this is my real name.
  2. @joker0 said in Black~Bullets: Nickname:joker55 Username:joker -=(red)DENIED=- Applying to 3 different organizations at once, this stupid behavior of you to post here. If you really want to join us and carry the name of our organization, you have to prove it. feel free to apply again in 2 month, starting from today.
  3. You don't need to thank us, anyway, good luck.
  4. SF & LS BANK ROB 22/6/2018
  5. @ractik188 said in Black~Bullets: Nickname: ractik188 Username: rotobran 2003 (my brother's former account) Dear ractik188! Thanks for your interest in joining Black~Bullets. However, I'm sorry to inform you that your application goes -=(red)DENIED=- this time. You don't seems to be what we're looking for at the moment, we don't think that you're determined enough to join us and we don't think that you fit in Black~Bullets. Feel free to apply again in 2 weeks, starting from today. @blazzey said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information : Nickname: BlaZZey or blazz, depends on my mood. Username: kalevipoeg Dear Blazzey! Thanks for your interest in joining Black~Bullets. Your application is currently under review. the final answer will be given in the next days. @bosk said in Black~Bullets: Nickname: Sideris (Isidoros) Username: Bosk If you are bosk with the username "Skinbox", you were extremely blacklisted on 20/4/2015, leaving the gang without HQ permission. Try to contact me at DISCORD or here, for more details. and, most importantly, a written Appeal is required to remove you from the blacklist, and to continue the application process.
  6. @pular said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information : Nickname: PulaR Username: kmkm567 Congratulations! Your application has been -=(lime)ACCEPTED=-. Meet me or any member from the B~B HQ team in-game for your tests/invitation! @falfoul said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Falfoul Username: Omar1230 Congratulations! Your application has been -=(lime)ACCEPTED=-. Meet me or any member from the B~B HQ team in-game for your tests/invitation! @jasser said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Jasser Username: Jesser01 After consulting the camels we are sorry to inform you that your application goes -=(red)DENIED=- this time. lack of serious efforts from your side in-game. If you want to carry our organization's name, you should do more and prove your loyalty to us, more effort is needed. reapply in 2 weeks if still interested, i personally suggest spending more time hanging around to get our attention properly before reapplying.
  7. @Falfoul @PulaR @Jasser the 3 of you are under-review for now
  8. @IceCream Dear IceCream, Thanks for your interest in joining Black~Bullets. However, I'm sorry to inform you that your application goes denied. You've made a poor application and you don't seems to have the minimum experience required in order to join us. If you're still interested, feel free to apply again in 1 month, starting from today.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X9KHLwNIMw
  10. This site looks much easier and faster than the current one, just need some modifications.
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