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Everything posted by A7mdRetired

  1. Congratulations!
  2. BB on a normal day, we try to group up for bank robbery
  3. Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Part II: What I Want to be Removed I have requested only two vehicles of 30 points ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Cheetah Location: BB Base Username: ahmedboss7
  4. I've got some time for services if anyone needs anything.
  5. ABOUT ME Hello, my name is Ahmed I'm 27 years old and I live in Egypt, been playing in SAES since 2011. I have always had a great passion for creating and designing and always pay great attention to details and quality. to be honest, I have been playing for a long time in a routine way which made me quite bored and always craving something new. when I was in G6, my passion for playing increased greatly, as building is something that I never get bored of, this really opens my mind and makes me design more and create new ideas, and that's what makes me think of joining here, not only to enjoy my time building events but more to help people in need and meet their requests. Format Event Number: Type of event: Description: Prize: LWS member(s): Winner(s): Screenshot(s):
      • 1
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  6. @Cheer
  7. @blizzard
  8. @SaTan
  9. @cocko Yes, how can i help you
  10. We would like to announce the new promotional video for the gang, hope you like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9pnFX8fCUQ&list=LL&index=1
  11. We would like to announce the new promotional video for the gang, hope you like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9pnFX8fCUQ&list=LL&index=1
  12. Cunning Stunts logo and banner Logo: Banner: Line: Global Express Trucking (GXT) Logo and banner Logo: Banner: Line: media: discord icon:
  13. @Mayhem
  14. happy birthday bedov <3 enjoy your day!
  15. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30273/donation-points-balance-a7md?_=1640436890055 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? NA Part II: What I Want to be Removed NA Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle: Shamal Location: LV Airport username: ahmedboss7
  16. Username: ahmedboss7 Link to ALL Donation Topics: #1 10 GBP (Christmas event) 20 Points #2 10 GBP 10 Points Total number of Donation Points: 30 Points
  17. This is a manual post. Username: A7md Donation Points: 20
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