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  1. Ingame name: 215|kevin Ingame username: jonz Previous organizations and leaving causes:inkas: I left because I felt that I did not fit there Define Underground Empire: UE or Underground Empire is the richest gang in Las Venturas , Made up of strong , trained members ready for any type of war , They are also known to help other gangs in turfs , bank rob and other illegal stuff What binds you with Underground Empire:Well UE is one of the oldest and most respected bargains in SAES and I would like to enter because I have some friends in this gang What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a category of transnational , or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals to engage in illegal activity , most commonly for profit .
  2. Ingame name: 215|kevin Ingame username: jonz Previous organizations and leaving causes:inkas: I left because I felt that I did not fit there Define Underground Empire: Well, UE is known for many things, that include: Weapon Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, Corruption Politicians and Police What binds you with Underground Empire:Well UE is one of the oldest and most respected bargains in SAES and I would like to enter because I have some friends in this gang What do you know about organized crime: : Well in general its very clear. Teamwork,Spirit,Openmind & trust are the keys to succeed.
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