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  1. SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: musky Username: mu$ky Nationality: Brazillian Age: 21 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: never Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): RF, i think i dont got along with them, so they kicked me out Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: [CDC]Ramones Why shall we consider accepting you?: I do every SR and BR i can, i believe teamplaying is the unique way to win something, so i help everyone i can during any service, i play dirty against cops How will you be benefiting CDC: As i said above, i try my best to do things as they should be, being helpful Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members (use a spoiler): will be updated
  2. Address:Temple Flat 19 Account name:Falcoli Last seen: 5th aug 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eiTtZcR
  3. SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: Musky Username: MUSKY Nationality: Brazillian Age: 21 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: Never Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): RF, been kicked with no warn, i believe villain has it's own reasons to kick me XD Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: Ramone and Peral Jam Why shall we consider accepting you?: I try to do my best, i try hard, i believe the highest the risk highest the gains, i promote teamplay as an matter of strength How will you be benefiting CDC: Helping with war, br and in anything my gang promotes Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members (use a spoiler): Unafortunately i dont took any print with them but i most usually play with ramone, plus i believe im cool with any cdc member ive seen, maybe i can try to get some pics before any test Just dont listen to villain, he is narrow-minded, even calling me "a disgusting furry", he is using false accusations, adding trash arguments to ruin my experience here in server, he never played with me really, never seen him on RF stuff, protecting in war, helping at SR, ranging with the other RF (that started to bully me when the highness villain kicked me off his crappy gang), so i would just say, dont trust him, i even think he hate me because my nationality cuz i swear, i did my best to his clan, he kicked me with no warning
  4. NVM, please delete this post, i cant :d
  5. Address:9 Grove Street Account name:dequ Last seen:28th september 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3SmxaB3
  6. i think it would be pretty easy to scripters add smt like this to server, so if ppl get interested in the idea maybe it happen
  7. actually, my friend even told me that i cant play RvB cuz it auto kick ppl with more than 200ms, so i will dont play RvB, as i usually get 240ms
  8. @Bisollini i think it as just for deathmatch counter-strike like, the problem is that this DM is pretty whacky, when 1 match is over you're taking full 2 to 10m because of ppl, i was trying to play with boys but i just rage quitted since they was taking 5m to being ready, it really sucks XD, thats why i feel thats something important to add, but while some ppl think saes shouldn't add shit i believe i dont really care about it at all
  9. i believe it must be kept incomplete then
  10. just something that after all seem nothing much, but since theres some drug addicts in this server seems an cool feature to add -When you buy weed from an drug vendor you still jump HIGH -When you buy you will have an joint on mouth just like the cigars u buy at bar -Add screen distortion, green light shader -Remove the slow driving/turning for the car, the slow shooting is acceptable, but the weed driving is broken, u cant stand any chance against a cop that want to put you in jail at any cost XD (this is optional, maybe mods want it to work that way, but on my idea weed should be fun, not boooooooring) -I consider it optional too, but if people like the idea would pretty cool to add an cigarette pack to carry some cigs XD
  11. The deathmatch map is cool, but it should have some new stuff to be more ''functional'', as the player dont have any spawn or respawn inside the map, the most time i try to play it with guys they take a LOT of time, now thinking about the features... Adding CT and TR spawn points in their respective original spawns -Adding an snack machine to sell health, plus an pit somewhere far in the map corners (maybe more than 1 pit) for ppl to suicide) -(i consider it optionally) an armor selling machine, and with this removing the exit markers, so people cant use the armor out the DM Adding floating guns to take (Colt 45 akimbo, tec9/uzi akimbo, desert, m4/ak, Sniper) or adding them to loadout (i would stick with akimbo, they're cool for deathmatch) The main reason i wanted to talk about this is cause i felt the original soo boring, the guys took too long by wave to wave, the respawn would make the DM an pretty solid minigame, which i believe it would bring a lot of fun to server, i want to add more suggestionts thinking about stuff like this, hope to have community support for some of those ideas <3
  12. Address:6 muscle parade Account name:adembyt Last seen:22 january 2022 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/2RrkRGw.jpg
  13. Address:LS Random Store 7 Account name:vagany Last seen:16th may 2021 Screenshots:
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