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Posts posted by Terry

  1. MCC Logo


    [Last updated: 16th April 2023.]


    About MCC


    Military Civilian Components is a civilian group tied to DE and supervised by whole DEHQ. This group is for the people who want to show effort and commitment towards Desert Eagles, train with us and possibly boost their chances for a shot in DE in the upcoming recruitments. The group's spawn is located in Bone County, under civilian team and it spawns inside DE base with some weapons that may be required in DE trainings.

    Everyone is given the same rank which is ''Private'' upon joining as there is no ranking system in MCC. No one is superior or inferior to another. The only people who can give instructions to MCC members are DE members/HQs.


    Although becoming a part of MCC may boost your chances for a shot in DE in the future, it is worth noting that you are not a part of DE and it is obviously not guaranteed for you to join DE even if you may be a part of MCC. It all depends on people's individual performance, skills and general reputation around the server/among DE members.

    DEHQ may prefer to hold live recruitments and/or private recruitments for DE based on what we deem is the best at the time of recruiting, and if we decide to hold a private recruitment, surely MCC would be the first place we would have our eyes on. Of course, this doesn't close all the doors for those who are not in MCC, and it doesn't mean every MCC will get into DE. It will still be possible for people to join DE without going through MCC, but by joining MCC and showing interest in the group by attending to DE trainings you will be boosting your chances to be noticed by DE members/HQs by quite a lot. You can still show up to DE trainings even if you're not in MCC, but becoming a part of MCC shows dedication towards DE in the long run, it's a way of saying ''I am here''.

    To sum it up, this group is a tool for us to be able to tell the difference between who is really trying to join the group in the long run and who loses interest in the group after failing a single recruitment, and we are aiming to boost our ingame activities and turn it into something consistent.


    Group Rules


    • Follow the server rules in F1 all the time.
    • Be respectful to everyone and treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.
    • MCC spawn is only to be used whilst assisting DE with a specific activity (e.g. trainings, wars). You may not use the spawn on your own.
    • Listen to the DE members' instructions while spawned as MCC, and cooperate with them.
    • Every MCC member is given the same rank that is ''Private'' upon joining and that is the only rank we have in the group.
    • DEHQ reserves all the rights to add people to/remove people from the group anytime.

    Failure to follow these rules listed above, or being a pain in the ass/troublemaker in general may lead to you being removed from MCC.




    1. Application Stage

    In order to join MCC, applying below is a must. Everyone can apply to become a part of MCC except for the people who are in CLO.

    We will be actively monitoring this thread for new applications, but we will not be answering anyone here. Think of this as if you are sending a 'letter of interest' to join the group.

    2.Ingame Activities

    After you have posted your application, you are required to attend to DE activities ingame and show yourself to be accepted into MCC as we will not be inviting anyone solely based on text application. 

    If we deem that you're worthy of joining - that is usually when we see some effort ingame during our public activities/trainings- we will add you to MCC spawn.

    If you haven't been added yet to the group you can assume your application is pending which may or may not be accepted in the future, and this is all up to you to prove your worth.

    Don't ask any DEHQ to be added to MCC spawn as this would be completely ruining your chances.

    Please do not apply before reading the entire topic and understanding what the group is about, and do not remove the formatting of the application form.


    Application Form:

    **Ingame account name:**
    **Discord name and tag:**
    **How long you have been playing SAES?:**
    **Server Memberships:**
    **Your strengths:**
    **Your weaknesses:**
    **Last legitimate adminjail:**
    **Last legitimate ban:**
    **Additional Information (Optional):**
    **Have you read the entire topic before applying?:**



    If you have never been banned/got adminjailed, or it's been a long time and you don't remember, you can leave that question blank as we do check it ourselves as well.




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