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Everything posted by eddie4

  1. Your ingame username: eddie3 Your ingame alias: Eddie Your year of birth: 1997 Your gender: Male Nationality: Bulgarian Country of residence: Bulgaria How long you have been playing SAES: Since August 2011 Qualities you can offer: I can describe myself as a determined, focused and driven individual. Since my real live job requires a lot of attention to detail I can say that I am pretty detail and action oriented. I am very collaborative and have always preferred to work in a group. I`m always respectful, friendly and brutally honest, even if it my affect my future relationships, I believe honesty and respect is key to a successful living. Your weaknesses: I am kind of shy which has led me to some awkward situations throughtout my life. I tend to procrastinate, especially when it comes to university and other not so interesting things and lastly I tend to believe that people are like me, and by this I mean that they are honest thus why I am always very disappointed when I find out that someone has not spoken the truth when speaking to me. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do Reason for application: I came back to the server after a long pause from gaming and I liked what I saw. I can say that I have grown together with the server, I have played with all my rl friends, spent countless hours and I have seen the growth and development of the SAES community as a whole. Now that I have matured a lot and have seen how this community has changed through the years I believe that I can bring something to the table and help towards achieving the server`s long term goal. I have achieved everything I have ever wanted on the served, gained many friends so I would like to give my share now and help the server to keep on the right track. Server Memberships: I am member of the Hell Soldiers Additional information: I am a 24 year old male from Sofia, Bulgaria. Graduated from the Sofia University this year with a bachelor of "Public policy", I am currently taking my masters degree in "Management Information Systems". I work ask a Risk analyst for one of the very few gambling operators in the United States and I have been on my job for over 4 years now, since I managed to get through university while working night shifts (that is the main reason behind me vanishing from the gaming community). I have never been the most successful nor the best player on the server but for the 10 years that I have spent in this community I have gained a lot of friends (some of them are not even playing anymore) and I`ve developed a sense for the direction in which the server is headed. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have never been punished. Previous (legitimate) bans:I have never been banned.
  2. , <3
  3. Well, I`m not Turkish but I love my Turkish friends (especially the ones who were part of Rebels MC) so I would highly appreciate it if you nub Felix put on some English subs on that YT video. Take care and all the best ma friendo :)
  4. SECTION A 1- Name (optional): Hristo 2- Ingame name: Eddie 3- Age: 23 4- Sex: Male 5- English proficiency: C1 6- Native language: Bulgarian 7- Other languages: Basic Spanish 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: Yes 9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: August 2011 10- Total gameplay (hours): About 300 since the timer's been introduced to the server. 11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): About 2 hours a day 12- Average FPS: 55~60 13- Average Ping: 45~50 14- Previous organizations and reasons for departure: MI-6(been part of MI6 two time, it died both times), SWAT(was pretty childish when they accepted me and I left after a month in the squad), ALT (same reason as I left SWAT, i was a kid back then I was constantly looking for something fun and was quite unloyal), AA (was fun while my irl buddy Kmeta was active and we both played together there, but again I was a kiddo and looking for a new adventure), SoA(died), Rebels MC(died), STF (died) 15- Are you an active user of Discord?: I've got it installed on my phone but I can not say I`m an active user. SECTION B A. Define our role (FOX): FOX is a tactical organization whose aim is to protect the citizen of SA without interfering in their everyday life, collecting intelligence data and practicing tactical policing techniques to ensure FOX' officers are well prepared for any situation. B. Define marker arrest: Camping at a marker with an aimed taser or nightstick waiting for a wanted criminal to appears so you can jail him. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 stars D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Do not deathmatch - You should not kill other players without a specific reason. Do not market kill/arrest - It is illegal to camp at a marker to arrest a wanted criminal or kill a cop at a JB for example. Multi accounting is not allowed on the server - every player is allowed to have up to one account at his disposal. Impersonation SAES clan members is not allowed - SAES clan members have established themselves as a proper example of how a MTA player should be and they have to be respected. impersonating an admin is not exactly the way to show your respect. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: The server we are all playing on is called SAES:RPG, thus why we should always attempt to roleplay before we just go for the arrest/kill. SECTION C I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I'm 23, living in Sofia, Bulgaria. Currently working as a fraud analyst for an American sports trading company. I'm also taking my masters degree in "Management Information Systems" in the Sofia University. In my free time I like working out, smoking shisha, reading books and playing video games (MTA). II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: I think I am pretty mature if you could call that a strength. I am also very patient, polite, friendly, open to learn new things and generally very open minded. As a weakness I could say that I give up on people very easily once they disappoint me which I don`t really see as a weakness but my friends always tell me that I should give people a second chance. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I recently came back from a long time of inactivity and I found out that FOX has grown out to become a huge powerhouse of a police squad. I've seen that most of your current members are really good at what they are doing and that they seem like very friendly and outgoing people. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I am mature, determined to prove myself and really light hearted and outgoing. I can follow orders and am always happy to help a friend in order to achieve our team goal. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add? I just hope this letter find you well... also where is the email they told me we are supposed to send the dick pics? By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X.
  5. Personal Information - Name: Hristo Nickname: Eddie Age: 20 Gender: Male Nationality: Bulgarian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): Im 20 years old male from Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria. Im currently in my 2nd year in the Sofia University studying Public Administration/Public Policy, meanwhile Im also working as a bookmaker for the biggest sports betting company in Bulgaria. I love spending my free time with my girlfriend and also chilling in front of the PC playing game. I especially enjoy spending time on the SAES:RPG server which is the server I've spent the most time on and made a lot of buddies. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? I've been playing on the server since august 2011 Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? I've never been banned or jailed. Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: MI-6, SWAT, ALT, AA, SoA, Rebels MC Please list your current group memberships on the server: As of this moment, Im not part of any of the groups on the server. What are your strengths? Communication, quick response, loyalty, friendliness, common sense, ablility to work in a team and to follow orders. What are your weaknesses? I really cant stay calm when I see something unfair happening in front of my eyes. That probably cant be counted as a weakness but I can get really flamy and mad if it bugs me too hard. Do you have discord & TS3? Yes Whats your average ping? 50 Do you have access to the PC spawns? Yes I do How many hours do you have in-game? About 250 since the count was integrated into the game and hundrets more before that. How often do you visit the forums? Every day. Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 8.5/10 Arresting (out of 10): 9/10 English (out of 10): 9/10 Driving (out of 10): 8/10 Combat (out of 10): 8/10 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? I want to join the STF because I see it as a great project which has huge potential which I'd like to contribute to. I see the people involved in this organisation do know what they want and how to get it which is a thing I really like and I'd like to work which such people. I also like the whole idea of the squad and its teamwork that it's shown online which is really impressive. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? No one Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? I do understand the surver rules and laws. In your own words, define roleplay: Roleplaying is basically stickying to the role of the character you have choosen to play with during your stay on the server. By that I mean if you spawn as a taxi driver, you should go around the city in a cab and pick up clients, a taxi driver shouldnt be running around the map with an AK-47 shooting and causing chaos everywhere he goes. In your own words, define DM: DM is also known as Deathmatching which is taking the life of a player without a reason. DM is also punishable by the server rules. In your own words, define teamwork: Teamworking is a common technique used by skilled organisations to get things done. Working in a team means to be working as one and be there for your teammates and being sure they got your back.
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