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  1. Markus xan u edit me?
  2. Username: Axel In-game name: axelcancer Age: 9 **Nationality:**philipines Current gang/squad:- Amount of delivered money transports:(/stats) 0 Amount of protected money transports:(/stats) 1 **Why do you wish to join us:**i want join because my friend is here Why should we accept you: you can trust me and im loyal respective kindful
  3. Nickname:Burist Account name :burist Age:12 Nationality:Philipines Rate your English skills 0/10:7/10 Other languages:English How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?:2020 what is your current squad/gang:Nothing list your current group(s) memberships:- Have you joined our discord server?:- What does " RP " mean?:using anim like acting in reallife Did anyone suggest you to apply? If yes mention who:I want to help WDF and i want to join in group
  4. gamer here please What do you need:Moving picture Coloures:Blue and little bit yellow Text:Burist More Details:-
  5. 1-Personal Informations Ingame nickname and account nameBurist burist Age10 NationalityPhilipines *State how well you speak english (1-10)*7/10 Say something about yourselfHello my real name is Tacasa im from philipines i'm friendly and im respective Do you have discord- Do you know anyone that is already in the groupNo i dont know anyone 2-Ingame Informations How long have you been playing SAES100h+ List your ex/current gangs/squads/companies- State why you left/have been kicked (leave this blank if you have never left/been kicked)- State the reason why you want to join Los Santos DeliveryI want to join because i spawn Deliviry man and i enjoy it in 3 days Explain why we should accept youbecause im respectful and kindful and friendly and you can trust me and im always inactive Explain what the group's role is aboutThe groups role is to offer either individuals or groups (companies, gangs, squads) the best delivery service they can get. With a 24h max and perfect condition cargo guaranteed, everyone can stipulate a contract with the group in order to get a delivery service. The payment will be cancelled if the package gets damaged, compromised or late. Illegal stuff and food wont be accepted. Describe how you would do a RP fitting with the group roleusing anim like acting in reallife selling ellegal List the first 3 f1 rules of the server Avoid arrest if you jump in roof or kill urself Deathmatch killing other player and damiging with no reasons List the first and last rules of the group Follow the F1 rules of the server Stay active for the group Do you own a van (pony/burrito/benson/etc) yes ofc 3-Additional Informations List your strenght and weaknessStenght:Dilivery killing arresting weakness:- What could you bring to the group good worker and always active and amuse *How active are you, and what are your most played times (use server time)*1 hours or 2 hours *Post screenshots of you playing as a delivery man (optional)
  6. Deleteddd
  7. Deleteddd
  8. .....
  9. ok ser
  10. I. PERSONAL INFORMATIONS **Username:**Burist **Account Name:**Burist **Age:**21 **English Profeciency(1-10):**4/10 **Languages you can Talk:**English Tagalog II. INGAME INFORMATIONS **Since when you started Playing SAES:RPG?:**few/hours 70+ **Since when you started playing MTA:SA?:**30th 2020 June **Previous G/S/C:**none **Previous Punishments Ban/AJ/Mute/Kick (Include the Reason):**mute and adminjails
  11. Nickname :Burist Username :Burist Age :16 Nationality :Philipines Languages you can speak :tagalog English Player SAES Career Information : Dow long have you been playing on SAES? :few/hours 76 Ho you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :none If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them :im TBG and im left to join in black Bullet Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :never ban What groups are you currently part of ? :none Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :im friendly and can help in gang Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets:RP Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? :for in Black Bullet Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :nothing Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] :no
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