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Everything posted by zam11

  1. Activity: SR Date: 19/01/2022 Screenshot:
  2. SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: 157|Zam Username: zam11 Nationality: Philipines Age: 15 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: no i did not get banned from saes. Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): BloodZ : Deleted Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: Yes, @MilkySky Why shall we consider accepting you?: I was unactive for a while .. now im back to mta i will bring CDC good activity , last but not least i can be loyal to the gang. How will you be benefiting CDC: as i said above i was unactive, CDC will benefit an active player cus im willing to be active on saes again. Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members (use a spoiler): [s=]
  3. Nickname: Username: Age: Nationality: English proficiency(?/10): What Can You Say: what can you do in the organization: Weaknesses: Previous Punishments and reason: Explain to us THE Beagle Gang roleplay in your own words:
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