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Everything posted by Panosik

  1. ..
  2. @Lincoln Why do you need her instagram???))))
  3. ..
  4. Panosik


  5. Panosik


  6. Panosik


  7. @Jasser sexy camel
  8. @BlackBird do you travel?
  9. @Denox )1
  10. Panosik


  11. @Filex That was a shame just that :(
  12. ..
  13. In-game nickname: BlazerCHERRY Nationality:Russian Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: Yes -O|Cornelius,O|King Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: No, I decided to do it myself.I just consulted with the people at Outfits. What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? I will be a good friend among people and my colleagues Additional information about yourself: Hi my name is Maxim I live in Moscow I study in the 9th grade but usually after school I do lessons and immediately play computer games before I was engaged in martial arts but then I left from there because of problems with money Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): I started playing on the server in 2013 and still he does not bother me What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): I'm not the guy who like to join much gangs I was only in Yakuza who was then removed Why have you left the above?: gang deleted What server groups are you currently a part of?:N/A Previous server bans and reasons (include links): N/A
  14. Address: 18 CHINA TOWN ROAD Account name: putofilipe23 Last seen:23rd February 2019 Screenshots https://imgur.com/2Fe3vyk https://imgur.com/bvQZDx2 https://imgur.com/0d361VN https://imgur.com/a4nTo4z
  15. Address: 18 CHINA TOWN ROAD Account name: putofilipe23 Last seen:23rd February 2019 Screenshots https://imgur.com/2Fe3vyk https://imgur.com/bvQZDx2 https://imgur.com/0d361VN https://imgur.com/a4nTo4z
  16. You dont give me your money (
  17. iNCOME - 1200 LAST BID 1.500.000 Screenshot:https://imgur.com/riFVfnC https://imgur.com/onPvueV
  18. INACTIVE San Fierro Username: adam789 Last Seen: 27th December 2018 Screenhttps:https://imgur.com/FqidD7k https://imgur.com/6rhNuea
  19. Ingame name:IceCream Previous organizations and leaving causes: The Company - Free invite S.W.A.T.- FREE invite F.B.I - invited because of the Alliance with ICE POLICE ICE POLICE-blacklisted due to the fact that I serve in ICE has WRITTEN the APPLICATION IN ANOTHER ORGANIZATION SoA - Die Define Underground Empire:Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded on June 23, 1866,after civil war in the Us and if more precisely 1 year and 1 day.There were 3 people under the names - John Dixon, Edward McFarlane and Judah Davis,they were former soldiers.And then Dixon came back from the war but only one thing,he lost his left arm, McFarlane had PTSD, and Davis was sick of life.They have a role in the fact that loot/buy casino and sell weapons/drugs,as well as contract killing. What binds you with Underground Empire:Underground Empire is an experienced and highly respected gang.She has very a good RP role so I and want to join in Underground Empire.I will arrange very good events that you will like^) What do you know about organized crime:This organization has a very good reputation.50 % of my friends on the server are those who are in UE! This organization has a very good RP role,I like the fact that it's not a gang but a mafia!
  20. INACTIVE San Fierro Username: 1st November 2018 Last Seen: bratdadasanek Screenhttpshttps://imgur.com/a/l5VhNf0 https://imgur.com/a/snfmfK2
  21. Nickname :IceCream Ingame username :cnegovik Nationality & Age :Russian,15 Previous Punishments :N|A Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : The Company:free invite S.W.A.T. :Free invite F.B.I; invited because of the Alliance with ICE POLICE ICE POLICE:Very bored almost always offline players from this organization and therefore left Explain us our role in your own words :The role Of the black syndicate is blackmail, kidnapping, illegal gambling and transportation services. All this is illegal, which the mafia (BS) do, they use moto "we only give our offer once", which means that if one of their people betrays them, he will die. The black Syndicate is one of the biggest criminal gangs that rules around LV LS and SF. In public, they are also presented as well-known businessmen.!!!! Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? :I think i could fit their role cause once i was part of BS and i really enjoyed their role. I could benefit BS as one good and mature player.
  22. https://imgur.com/a/C0aCnIb batya works off debts this mister :thinking_face:
  23. Starting Bid : 700k screenshot : https://imgur.com/a/WAli3zY Last bid: 1m
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