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Posts posted by stelepe

  1. Hi, I'd like to join SASD, please find my application below.

    Real Name: Steven
    Nickname: stelepe
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Location: United Kingdom
    Tell us more about yourself (at least two paragraphs):
    I am 27 years old, I enjoy photography, making digital art, train and bus spotting. I have lots of pets, I have a hamster, two gerbils and two dogs. I love animals, dogs are my favourite.

    I consider myself to be reliable, trustworthy, honest and hard working. I am seeking employment in San Andreas and after learning about SASD I wanted to apply.

    How long have you been playing on SAES: RPG for? I have been playing for about two weeks.
    Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? No and no.
    Please list your current group memberships on the server: No current memberships.
    What are your strengths (Please Put Some Effort)?
    I consider my strengths to be, good geographical knowledge of the entire San Andreas map, clean driving record, I am a good communicator, confident and competent driver, excellent customer service skills.

    What are your weaknesses (Please Put Some Effort)?
    My weaknesses are that I get anxious when in a new situation. Sometimes I struggle to get up in the morning, however if I know I have to be up for an event or work I can wake up. Although I am a confident driver, I do need a little bit of time to learn about a new vehicle I will be driving.

    Do you have access to Discord? Yes - stelepe#3202
    How many hours do you play on average daily? 2 5 hours
    How often do you visit the forums? A few times per week.
    Answer the following questions
    Why do you want to join San Andreas Sanitary District?
    I want to join SASD as I believe we need to do more to save the environment and I want to be part of that change. Your company has the power to improve the environment in San Andreas and as a person who cares about the environment I want to help.

    Did somebody recommend that you apply to SASD? If so, who?

    Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?

    In your own words, define role-play:
    Role-play is where you act as a character separate from your real life in which you can take part in activities and live in a separate world from reality. In this role-play world you live by the rules and laws stated. You can get jobs, meet people and join groups.

    In your own words, describe deathmatching:
    Deathmatching is where you attack a person without giving them a chance to role-play their reaction appropriately. e.g. shooting someone without saying put your hands up and giving no warning.

    In your own words, define teamwork:
    Teamwork is where people get together and assist each other, exchange ideas and collaborate together to achieve the same end result.

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