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Everything posted by fondy

  1. Address: Irish Hotel Room #1 Account name: mastahand Last seen: 12 september 2021 Screenshots: [s=]https://i.imgur.com/IdLMvb5.png[/s]
  2. Number of Activity: 68 Date of Activity : 2021/05/27 Type of Activity : VIP Rescue Involved Members: @Remp @JukyPlatinium Screenshots:
  3. Number of Activity: 66 Date of Activity : 2021/05/21 Type of Activity : Stopping SRs Involved Members: @Bean @qqe @Fondy Screenshots: 1st SR: 2nd SR:
  4. Number of Event: 33 Date of Event : 2021/05/17 Type of Event : LMS LWS/Helper : @Niklaus Prize : 1.000.000$ Winner : @ncovid ScreenShots : ::: :::
  5. Adress : Temple Flat 21 username : firefox201791 last seen : 17 july 2020 Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/AEdmEGK done by teddy
  6. Name & nickname: yassin-Fondy Nationality: Algerian English proficiency (State your level, f.e: B1): B1 Punishment history (Detailed): i got one Adminjail before 2 months reason: dm by mistake Reason of your application to The Royals (Minimum two lines):i always wanted to join The Royal i started playing this game, but it was hard for me at first but now i think i have the real chance, in addition to i like Royal Activities . Summarize the role of The Royals with your own sentences (Minimum two lines): The Royal is a specialized scret agent group who gather intel and work closely with the national governement , they are called upon to gather information and its organization thet may cause harm or corruption in San Andreas What unit would you like to join? Either Undercover or Intelligence Unit (State your reason of preference): Intelligence Unit Because i think i'll be a best Experience in This Unit. Oath: I, Fondy, swear that this application has been written by myself and I am aware of the consequences if I don't follow the stated rules in F1. I Fondy, promise to serve for the honour of Great Britain and her majesty. I, Fondy , swear that this application has been written by myself and I am aware of the consequences if I don't follow the stated rules in F1. I Fondy, promise to serve for the honour of Great Britain and her majesty.
  7. Address: 8 Seamen Road Account name: OmarAlharthi Last seen: 27 June 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/E2t7isR
  8. Section I : General things. Ingame name : Fondy Account name :Yassine09 Nationality :Algerian Spoken Languages : English/Arabic/Frensh How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? :2019 How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? : 3months Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason): No Previous organisations ( G/S ):GJMC!when it was level 0 i got kicked bcz i'm joined free / ICE!i left because its inactive squad Section II : Specific things. Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words):acting like in real life. Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ):i want to join Pirus bcz they are need help so i decided to help them Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) : i'm Active and serious i think u shold accepte me because i can help Pirus to grow up and with my loyality and activity Describe The Pirus in your own words :The-Pirus is a crimina organization ,They have announced their name in the newspapers many times about arms smuggling , they have almost all the barons
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