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Boody's Achievements
Nickname: Boody Username: abdoabdo Age: 17 Country: Egypt Languages spoken: Arabic & English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8 How long have you been playing on SAES: I started playing during late 2011 and created my first forum account in 2012 as Icy. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: A group of illegitimate "assassins" based in the city of San Fierro, they provide arms to the state of San Andreas in different quantities that lie between small handguns to rather large, or should I say enormous weapon shipments to other gangs. They're well known for their lack of morals since they steal without regret, and take what isn't theirs - but they also never give up what they claim to be of their own assets, it's a thing some would call a rather "lackadaisical attitude". Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Balkan Spikes at first in 2012, but I was eventually inactive and then kicked, followed by: GJMC's 1st & 2nd generation, Tuga Thugs - I had to leave GJMC the first time due to connection issues, then I quit TT because my PC couldn't start up anymore. The second generation of GJMC shut down during my time as Vice President due to lack of activity, co-led by Turbo. Shortly after; I joined Sons of Anarchy and stayed there until it had reached level 3 and eventually shut down due to lack of interest from the members. I started Rampage Rednecks alongside Turbo and Darude, I had to shut the gang down shortly after. after a small but eventful and fun ride with the boys but every good thing comes to an end (except for AA, for god's sake), I had to depart the server due to my recent health condition and it eventually shut down due to lack of activity. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: N/A Name 3 Bankrob rules: You may not kill yourself in any way during a bank robbery (e.g; ask a friend to kill you, jump off the roof, or press F1 > I'm Stuck to respawn.). A gang may only do two bank robberies per day, and a gang must have at least four of their members online to start AND finish a bank robbery. Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: First and foremost here, the thing you should always do and not only in this situation is: Use common sense, please. With common sense we wouldn't even need the majority of the server rules, don't shoot other criminals during the bank robbery and last but not least: never leak any info. Name 3 Turf rules: NEVER: Shoot from unclimbable rooftops, toggle /war off to avoid the turfing scripts (e.g; headshots), do not spawn at your property when killed during a turf war and then return to combat. What is Roleplay?: The process of pretending you're some nutjob and playing their role, immersing yourself into the scene to act like the human (or dog? lol) you're pretending to be without being too cringy. What is Deathmatching?: Attacking another player (or a player's asset, such as a vehicle) without proper reasoning to do so. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Brush it off and if necessary, /report them if I have proof. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Flee, just in case. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yes. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Yes, I'd like to speak a bit about myself. My name is Abdelrahman, I was born in Alexandria (Egypt), and moved to Cairo when I was 5 to attend school. I have many pastimes e.g. working out and long-distance cycling, the latter makes me feel better mentally and physically since I used to work nights at a rather young age, so I happen to find myself desperate for a change. I started playing MTA right after my 6th birthday back in 2010 partaking in a role-play community called Valhalla Gaming. I could barely speak English but I managed to learn the basics very quickly and I joined a "faction" which is the equivalent of a gang/squad there that included very friendly members who helped me learn the ropes. When people ask me about my time there, I tell them about the valuable lessons that I learned and still put to use 10 years later, but about all the negatives too, not exclusive to the server specifically but playing too many video games at very young age in general. I have had it in my mind for a while now to finally take the plunge this time of the year and apply for AA, having been advised by many of my former teammates as well as close friends who also suggested I opt for a high level gang that would be a better fit for me. I may not be great tactically in the game. - in fact, I've never been remarkable for my kills or shooting skills in the server during my ten or eleven years here, but I also understand that the system here entails much more than just one aspect. I can confidently say that I'm ready to work hard to understand and enforce said aspects, doing whatever is necessary to reach my and my higher ups' objectives in the meanwhile. Given the fact that I arrive from a relatively similar background that hugely contributed to my maturity, I can assure you that I'll be able to satisfy the expectations of the higher ups in the gang and lead the gang to greater things. In my opinion, one of my strengths is my observational skills. I have always been able to pay attention to minute details, and this is a skill that I believe I can utilize efficiently within the gang. Another strength that I carry is my ability to follow orders carefully and accurately, which is complimented by my patience so as to take in others' input carefully. When working in a hierarchical structure, similar to the gang's, I believe that it is crucial that those at the bottom heed to instructions given by the higher-ups, as their experience could outweigh mine heavily. This is also crucial to keep order within a hierarchical structure. Furthermore, I believe that this characteristic will allow me to find compromises that should benefit all parties in very difficult circumstances. Sometimes I find myself putting too much weight on my shoulders, instead of searching for support. I believe that working within a cooperative team will help this issue, as I will be more accustomed to communicating with other players, and at times, will have to seek guidance. It's an issue that I know I can work on, and I'm very determined to work in a team that will help me grow as a person, for the better. Critical and independent thinking is indeed one of my strengths, and incorporating these strengths with my weaknesses is hopefully gonna allow me to be a very valuable asset to the gang as a whole.
[QUESTION] What to do with an adminjail bait?
Boody replied to brotherhoodman's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
I hardly play on the server anymore but I couldn't turn a blind eye on this one because it's stupid to say the least, first of all - allow me to ask how could one possibly chase someone with a plane (bear in mind the person themself is flying a plane too), chances are he's either going to: 1. crash anyway whether he forces it or not, 2. land safely and escape which logically the evacuee the upper hand. Using common sense, the trainee is just trying to be a disturbance rather than try to cash out on the "bounty" on the criminal here, that's my first point. The second point is that this cop literally has nothing on the guy, as I explained it earlier - he's driving a huge plane not a bicycle for fuck's sake, so don't expect him to do some magical stuff to avoid crashing, you're being straight up toxic imo. It's not like the guy drowned himself or jumped off of Mt. Chiliad. Cut the toxicity, I assume I am the youngest of you all anyway so I'm not really telling you what to do but it's just straight up unnecessary, we're all trying to have fun here on a game older than the vast majority of the player-base, let alone your gangs are allied as far as I am concerned. I apologize if my comment may have caused any disturbance to any of the readers lmao, this just annoyed me very much since it had happened to me earlier and I didn't bother with the report and the admin dismissed it. Lastly, I don't see @brotherhoodman in the wrong here, and I assume the other guy was just having a bad day since I expect everyone to be more mature than that, not that I am very mature myself, but I barely play here anyway. -
Due to my recent health concerns and my unavailability, I wasn't able to help keep this project running and while I wasn't planning on reaching greater things with this gang, I had the highest of hopes to do so since we had a great group of members that were loyal till the end and helped keep this running even during my absence for months, special thanks to everyone who supported us from the beginning and till the end, I'd also like to thank every single member that took part in this even the members who left during the earlier stages, special thanks to @Turbo & @Darude for sticking by my side while I was bedridden, I'm sorry if I let anyone down. Now I am just here to announce the termination of the gang, the mods can archive/lock this or whatever the appropriate action to be taken is, once again - thanks everybody. And personally, I don't know if I will be playing here in the near future or not since I have to deal with a lot at the moment but I promise to hop in-game from time to time.
I don't have much to say, your app looks good and multiple members vouched for you earlier, welcome @Chief - Come in-game and message one of the HQ members for an invite.
Thanks for the best wishes everybody, we seriously appreciate it here and it means a lot. The gang has continued to improve over the past few days whether in member quality or quantity, we can confirm at this point that we will be applying for level 1 at the beginning of the next month having already met all the qualifications. A special thanks goes out to Los Lunas' HQ team for their huge portion of support whether in assets or by other means, we promise to not let anyone down and continue to exceed the average expectations for new gangs and there's more to come in the upcoming week so you better stay tuned. Topic updated.
Activity type: Store robbery Involved members: @mitropit, @AtSever, @Turbo, @Rost, @Boody, @besimtibuk Date: 24/11/2020 Screenshots: Below
Activity type: Store robbery Involved members: @mitropit, @AtSever, @Turbo, @Rost, @Boody Date: 24/11/2020 Screenshots: Below
Roleplay name: Cuban papers Date: 21/11/2020 Participants: Boody & @Curny Roleplay story: Boody goes to the nearby Cuban market to purchase fresh Cuban rolling papers for his new weed stock, Enrique Perez gives him some on the house for the first time. Screenshots: ::: :::
Activity type: Store robbery Involved members: @Boody, @Turbo, @Rost Date: 18/11/2020 Screenshots: Below
^[] ^[] ^[Discord: https://discord.gg/hB96N54DTD] ^[Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22980/rampage-rednecks-media-archive?_=1605633534133] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[2005 - The group started with fifteen homeless men and subsequently grew to over a hundred participants. Upon the disappearance of Bull, one of the founders of the group, in March 2005, Boody took a more active leadership role within the group and his influence grew within the gang alongside Turbo and Darude.] ^[2010 - They got into contact with a pair of corrupt sheriffs that funded some of their operations, helping them climb up the ladder in the criminal world. Violence has reached unimaginable levels but still, Flint County remains a conservative, deeply traditional, county, with a lot of passion and love. It has the most corrupted police force in San Andreas. But in the eyes of the world? Flint County known only for its narcotics industry, mainly by outlaw bikers, followed by groups of rednecks.] ^[2015 - Following the suggestion of one of their higher-ranked members, the group decided to settle in Flint County and join the pre-existent redneck community. Later observations of the gang show that the population has picked up many younger individuals, one of the more noticeable "Rampage Rednecks" is Turbo, believed to have been living in a distanced shack, and still in possession of his old handgun that he uses to intimidate others and make himself look tough.] ^[2020 - They have only recently become relatively distinguished from the other subgroups of white trash over at Flint County, being consistently involved in many crimes and mischievous acts, thus attracting the attention of the rural police force. The group is now trying to set up several business enterprises. After expanding, they have went on to start new operations in Shady Creeks, Beacon Hill, and Fern Ridge among other small towns in the countryside. Fern Ridge has been recently struck by a wave of scurvy (an illness caused by Vitamin C deficiency). As the town currently lacks a doctor to treat illnesses, many have died and only a few have survived, by way of desperate raids of food storage facilities near Blueberry. Only a few have survived, but seem resolute to ensure the survival of the town as they continue to live there and build again.] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[Rampage Rednecks, as its members call themselves as inside humour, is a developing group of white-trash moonshiners based in Flint County, Los Santos. The group is mainly involved in crimes such as gun smuggling, illegal distribution of alcohol and narcotics, stealing state property, such as wood, gas, car parts, and tobacco. They also participate in trapping and killing defenseless animals, as they are known for their barbarity and cruelness. It's not specifically a black people hating group; rather, it's a community of deadbeat rednecks.] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[Founder & Leader: @Boody] ^[HQ Team: @Turbo / @Darude / @Jack_ ] ^[Foundation Day: 17/11/2020] ^[Gang Name: Rampage Rednecks] ^[Gang Level: 0] ^[Gang Value: 50,000,000] ^[Motto: Grubbin', drinkin', dancin'] ^[Color Code: #EA3030] ^[Tags: RR|Name / RR-H|Name (for helpers & hangarounds)] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[Chief - Level 5] ^[Has the last word, and is always willing to go to extreme measures to ensure the stability of the group.] ^[@Boody ] ^[Wingman - Level 4] ^[Supervises all illegal activities of the group, regularly giving out plans, and reports back to Chief. There can be more than one active Wingman depending on how many operations the group is involved into.] ^[@Turbo / @Darude ] ^[Gunner - Level 3] ^[Is called up to intervene when a specific situation calls for it, usually in emergencies or other operations that may attract a lot of attention.] ^[@Jack_ ] ^[Trooper - Level 2] ^[A trusted member that participates in many of the group's illegal activities.] ^[@Doomer022 / @sajjad ] ^[Kin - Level 1] ^[A familiar person to the group who has been hanging around them for a while.] ^[@wave / @Skrillex / @Tom / @Rost ] ^[Youngun - Level 0] ^[Any person who's yet to gain the respect of the group's members. Potential kin.] ^[@Polentaa / @Medo12 / @Chief / @plod] ^[VIP / Honorary] ^[A very important person or personage is a person who is accorded special privileges due to their high social status, influence or importance.] ^[@Klay / @Nevada / @Mowgli / @SidVicious] ^[Total member count: 14] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[Beacon Hill Farm (Alabama Town)] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] **[Personal Information]** **Nickname:** **Username:** **Age:** **Nationality:** **How well do you speak English?:** **Tell us something about yourself:** **[In-game Information]** **Have you ever been admin-jailed or banned (if yes, why)?:** **Do you fully understand the rules written on F1?:** **What G/S/C have you been in, and why did you leave?:** **List of your current groups?:** **Why should we let you in?:** ^[] ^[] ^[] If you wanna report someone who's part of the gang, contact our HQ team first. If you might be going inactive, you should contact our HQ and explain to them your situation beforehand. Follow all the server rules at all time. Follow the advice of higher-ups. Don't ask for promotions. Don't argue or be petty in the main chat. Violating this rule will get you kicked. The Golden Rule ^[] Extra media: ::: ::: ^[] ^[Topic is still under construction]
Happy birthday Flex, and Filex.
In-Game Name: Boody Account Name: abdoabdo Age: 16 Nationality: Egyptian Languages: English & Arabic How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: 8 years Your current squad/gang: N/A Your current groups: N/A Explain our role in one sentence: Wreck havoc, brainwash people and explore nonsense. Why do you want to join us? First of all, I love the idea - it's extremely fun, secondly I love Darude and I'm here to take the leadership from him.
Application withdrawn
Everyone tried their best, we couldn't keep going. I apologize we couldn't stick around for longer but it is what it is, right? It's just a game at the end and I'm glad we had fun, thanks everyone who helped and everyone who took part in this project as whole. Much love and farewell GJMC.