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Oguzkrgzz's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Ingame name: 215|Oguz Ingame username: Oguzzkrgz Previous organizations and leaving causes: CripZ: Left CripZ because some problems Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded by 3 man, John Dixon,Edward Mcfarlane,Judah Davis on June 23,1866. They want to get rich. their criminal activities began with corrupt politicians. UE doing lot of things drug,weapon trafficking,money laundering and more activities also they have really strong brotherhood to keep other's backs. What binds you with Underground Empire: Members, the quality of the people in the gang, and the quality of the gang. UE members is really respectfull,friendlys members. Underground Empire is really different and good than other gangs, also i will improve myself on UE. and a lot more reasons... What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is some criminals who they are in the same organization. Criminals always do illegal activites, they always moves in a canonical and planned way. Members must be respectfull and disciplined. strong and fearless people, continues to advance gang crime with teamwork
  2. Address: Markets Market Store Account name: mohamad14 Last seen: May 1th 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/ACnANpg
  3. Address: Redneck Store Account name: mohamad14 Last seen: May 1th 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/szj1FAY
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