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  1. Address: 7 Grove Street Account name: cankutay123 Last seen: 2 June 2022 Screenshots:
  2. Address: Burro Kipt Fdp Account name: adem Last seen: 25th April 2022 Screenshots:
  3. @Yannick Well I didn't really think that there should be any activity requirements to make a bonus work. I perceive my idea rather as an encouragement than a reward but if this suggestion goes further, we will set it out I guess.
  4. @Yannick said in [SUGGESTION]Weekly bonuses for jobs on saes.: Say I am playing ingame and in order to get a bonus I spawn once each day as every civilian job. Would that mean I am eligable to get a bonus after 2 weeks for all jobs? You would just get a 2x$ for example as a Police Officer Trainee from 5/1 to 5/15 and I don't know why a different character should be created to make this bonus work. Isn't just changing values of arresting etc. in code easier and safer? There wouldn't be a bonus for each job. The jobs would be changed every two weeks like this: (first two weeks) police, trucker, delivery (next two weeks) arms dealer, mechanic, money transporter etc.
  5. ^[Hello guys!] I am here because I have in my opinion a decent idea to make our server and community a much better place. As you can see 95% of people only indulge in playing cops/criminals class, which is pretty reasonable since civilian jobs aren't really fun and not worthwhile. Back in 2015 more than 10 players would play as civilian on average. I have a suggestion to add money bonuses to jobs weekly similarly to gta online. The way it would work: Every week/two weeks two or more jobs would get a money bonus (2x $) (for example Trucker, Delivery Man and Police Officer Trainee) I think it would encourage people to play police more on purpose instead of voluntarily and make civilian jobs more useful. I hope for a positive feedback and see you in game Gs. P.S. Delete location tracker for truckers. It's literally unplayable when you are constantly located by cops and you are defenceless as an alone trucker. + It's really easy to find a trucker as a cop just look for them on a LV-Whetstone path. ^[]
  6. ^[] ^[Turfing] ::: Before: ^[] After: ^[] :::
  7. ^[] ^[Today's SR] ::: ^[] :::
  8. ^[] ^[Camels turfing] ::: Before: ^[] After: ^[] :::
  9. ^[] ^[Camels assisting UE BR] ::: ^[] :::
  10. ^[] ^[Camels are robbing a store in LS docks] ::: :::
  11. nickname: asajb,chujew username: asajb age: 17 nationality: Polish Languages you can speak: Polish native, English really fluently, German basic level Player SAES Career Information: How long have you been playing on SAES: since 2015. How you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? I don't have. I had a small not official gang with friends from irl. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them: We just got bored playing and we left the game. Have you ever been banned from SAES: I haven't. What groups are you currently part of? none Do you have discord? Mloda Dama#1600 Personality Information: What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? I am a respectful and empathetic person. When I have an argument with people, I always try to find solutions for problems we encounter. I listen to people and follow orders of authorities but when their ideas seem obscure to me, I always talk and point out things I don't agree with. I have good aim and think quickly. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black-Bullets are gang of professional assassins who live in San Fierro and serve all over San Andreas. They can kill anyone of any class who customer wants them to. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? I've got to know a dear friend Amara who is a member of your gang. He made me get into the spirit of things with SAES and encouraged me to try applying for your gang. Black~Bullets is a really respectful gang with nice and loyal people. Mood in your gang, activity and accomplishments are really awe-inspiring to me. I've always liked your gang but I didn't apply because I was younger without enough english and roleplay skills. I want to improve my roleplay skill in your gang and get to know new people from the server. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: Amara. Anything else you want to add: Thx for reading and shoutout to Amara.
  12. Hi So thing is that truckers earn half of money per deliver. It says that you can earn 70k +bonus (from LV to MT) but you only earn 33k + bonus Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RVdMNEC https://imgur.com/a/kCoQu1y https://imgur.com/a/vIi1IOW
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