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Everything posted by Rezzy

  1. RolePlay Number #20 Story: I went around today LV and LS only. I helped a few people who needed it it was relaxing ! Date 28.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/127hzrt _ https://prnt.sc/127i1rm _ https://prnt.sc/127iajp _ https://prnt.sc/127ikcf _ https://prnt.sc/127itbg _ https://prnt.sc/127ixxx _ https://prnt.sc/127jb90
  2. Patrol Number #13 Activity Type patrol LV BC and TR Cuban cars members @Afufu and mechanic @alperens Date 27.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/125k5oj _ https://prnt.sc/127hrsp _ https://prnt.sc/127ht5s _ https://prnt.sc/125kena
  3. Patrol Number #12 Activity Type patrol LV-BC-TR-SF and BC Cuban cars members @beauty Date 26.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/123kcut _ https://prnt.sc/123kmb2 _ https://prnt.sc/123ksv5 _ https://prnt.sc/123l4cf _ https://prnt.sc/123lcyc _ https://prnt.sc/123lkfg
  4. Roleplay Number #19 Story: Today in such warm weather we decided with colleagues @PaiN500 @alperens @MarksMan and @Kaioshin. We decided to work a bit on the LS-LV highway we helped several people it was a difficult job but fun! Date 25.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/121eiof _ https://prnt.sc/121exhb _ https://prnt.sc/121f5ao _ https://prnt.sc/121fgue _ https://prnt.sc/121fnyw _ https://prnt.sc/121fwvs
  5. RolePlay Number #18 Story: I went around today LV-BC and TR. Generally nothing interesting is not happening it was calm! Date 24.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/11zchx7 _ https://prnt.sc/11zcpb7 _ https://prnt.sc/11zde78 _ https://prnt.sc/11zdlu1 _ https://prnt.sc/11zdzgl _ https://prnt.sc/11zee7i _ https://prnt.sc/11zehpm
  6. Patrol Number #11 Activity Type patrol LV-LS-RC and BC Cuban cars members @Rick @beauty and mechanic @Mr-Alfred Date 20.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/11riezy _ https://prnt.sc/11riwyq _ https://prnt.sc/11rj4wf _ https://prnt.sc/11rj9xm _ https://prnt.sc/11rjdrb
  7. Roleplay Number #17 Story: I went around today LS-RC and SF in general nothing interestin. just normal Monday! Date 19.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/11pl5ht _ https://prnt.sc/11plcsc _ https://prnt.sc/11pliwq _ https://prnt.sc/11pm078 _ https://prnt.sc/11pmawh
  8. RolePlay Number #16 Story: I decided in the evening to stand only in LVX I was there with another mechanic it was fun and calmly! Date 17.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/11l9q06 _ https://prnt.sc/11l9x7z _ https://prnt.sc/11la47x _ https://prnt.sc/11labsg _ https://prnt.sc/11lalen _ https://prnt.sc/11lav0t _ https://prnt.sc/11lawrw _ https://prnt.sc/11lb7j6 _ https://prnt.sc/11lbb6t
  9. RolePlay Number #15 Story: I decided to go around SF and LV. Nothing interesting did not happen just normal day! Date 16.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/11j3m2q _ https://prnt.sc/11j4dob _ https://prnt.sc/11j4ola _ https://prnt.sc/11j4wk7 _ https://prnt.sc/11j55m6 _ https://prnt.sc/11j5kw8
  10. RolePlay Number #14 Story: Today I decided to go around LV-RC and LS to find cars for fix. only helped one when i was i drove my car random criminal he told me to stop car i stopped her he wanted money and took it out m4. I managed to escape, but I almost died! Date: 15.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/11g98i7 _ https://prnt.sc/11g9e2y _ https://prnt.sc/11gapih _ https://prnt.sc/11gazj3 _ https://prnt.sc/11gb5gp _
  11. RolePlay Number #13 Story: Today it was warm and I decided to work mainly i was standing in LVX . I helped 10 people, it was a relaxing day! Date:14.04.21 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/11e0yjh _ https://prnt.sc/11e0zlg _ https://prnt.sc/11e1ar7 _ https://prnt.sc/11e1kx2 _ https://prnt.sc/11e1pzx _ https://prnt.sc/11e1zo5 _ https://prnt.sc/11e2fg5 _ https://prnt.sc/11e2n52
  12. Patrol Number #10 Activity Type patrol LV-SF and BC Cuban cars members @Vynee and mechanic @fenter Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/11amit7 _ https://prnt.sc/11amljy _ https://prnt.sc/11amo2o _ https://prnt.sc/11amslz _ https://prnt.sc/11amxmf
  13. Patrol Number #9 Activity Type patrol LV and BC Cuban cars members @SWT @Niklaus Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/118z2jl _ https://prnt.sc/118z59m _ https://prnt.sc/118z8f0 _ https://prnt.sc/118zdr9
  14. Roleplay Number #12 Story: Today in such warm weather i decided to go around LS-RC-SF and LV. But unfortunately i only helped two people. Date 9.04.2021 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/1188e8f _ https://prnt.sc/1188fuo _ https://prnt.sc/1188is5 _ https://prnt.sc/1188krq _ https://prnt.sc/1188mma _ https://prnt.sc/1188s6o _ https://prnt.sc/1188wi4 _ https://prnt.sc/11893q0
  15. Roleplay Number #11 Story: Today i went around LV-BC-TR and SF. I helped only of one person unfortunately but and i fixed some cars! Date: 7.04.2021 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/116jy8k _ https://prnt.sc/116k2hc _ https://prnt.sc/116k5vl _ https://prnt.sc/116kbxf _ https://prnt.sc/116kfp5 _ https://prnt.sc/116kjla _ https://prnt.sc/116ko5v] _ https://prnt.sc/116ktkd
  16. Patrol Number #8 Activity Type patrol LV-RC and LS Cuban cars members @Versace @Niklaus and mechanic @PaiN500 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/115t893` _ https://prnt.sc/115tci1 _ https://prnt.sc/115tn6d _ https://prnt.sc/115tq9a _ https://prnt.sc/115tt6e _ https://prnt.sc/115tup6
  17. Roleplay Number 10 Story: It's my tenth day being a mechanic. Today i went around only in LV I stood in LVX this time i helped a lot of people. nothing interesting just normal day and relaxing ! Parcicpants Only me! Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/115srz0` _ https://prnt.sc/115stuk _ https://prnt.sc/115sv6p _ https://prnt.sc/115sw75 _ https://prnt.sc/115sx7j _ https://prnt.sc/115szx8 _ https://prnt.sc/115t0nv _ https://prnt.sc/115t29z
  18. Patrol Number #7 Activity Type patrol LS-LV-BC and TR Cuban cars members @Afufu and mechanic @LandShark Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/113bko2 _ https://prnt.sc/113bmsw _ https://prnt.sc/113bshz _ https://prnt.sc/113bzrs _ https://prnt.sc/113c1nu _ https://prnt.sc/113ca8n _ https://prnt.sc/113cgns
  19. Patrol Number #6 Activity Type Patrol LV-RC-SF Cuban cars members @Zac and mechanic @PaiN500 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/111mykv _ https://prnt.sc/111n6tb _ https://prnt.sc/111nc8v _ https://prnt.sc/111ng3n _ https://prnt.sc/111nke0 _ https://prnt.sc/111nnvt
  20. Roleplay Number #9 Story: Today early morning i decided to work. I went around LV-LS and FC only i helped one person. Nothing interesting just normal and relaxing day! Parcicpants Only me! Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/110m3qw _ https://prnt.sc/110m6ph _ https://prnt.sc/110mbd6 _ https://prnt.sc/110mj5j _ https://prnt.sc/110mmbd _ https://prnt.sc/110mpcz
  21. Roleplay Number #8 Story Today i went around SF-BC-TR and LV. I only helped on two people nothing interesting just normal and relaxing day! Parcicpants Only me! Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/10zv4p8 _ https://prnt.sc/10zve3y _ https://prnt.sc/10zvgu2 _ https://prnt.sc/10zvn4x _ https://prnt.sc/10zvviy _ https://prnt.sc/10zvwf0
  22. Roleplay number #7 Story: It's my seventh day being a mechanic. I went around LS-RC and BC I helped only of one person nothing interesting just normal day! Parcicpants Only me! Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/10y1obv _ https://prnt.sc/10y1pqf _ https://prnt.sc/10y1vl4 _ https://prnt.sc/10y1zx6 _ https://prnt.sc/10y239o _ https://prnt.sc/10y276y
  23. Patrol Number #5 Activity patrol RC-LV-BC-TR and SF Cuban cars members @Gal and mechanic @alperens Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/10w4f77 _ https://prnt.sc/10w4ll1 _ https://prnt.sc/10w4vbf _ https://prnt.sc/10w56lt _ https://prnt.sc/10w5i0p
  24. Patrol Number #4 Activity Type Patrol LV-BC and TR Cuban cars members @beauty Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/10v8uel _ https://prnt.sc/10v8vky _ https://prnt.sc/10v8xgo _ https://prnt.sc/10v90o8 _ https://prnt.sc/10v94rx
  25. RolePlay Number #6 Story: It's my sixth being a mechanic. I Went around LS-LV-BC and TR nothing interesting normal and relaxing day! Parcicpants Only me! Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/10tokks _ https://prnt.sc/10tomgc _ https://prnt.sc/10torqn _ https://prnt.sc/10toym6 _ https://prnt.sc/10toym6
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